Wireline and Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) Log Quality Control and Its Impact on Interpretation





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- 11 Jan 2024

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- 12 Sep 2024

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- 28 Jun 2024

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8 Dec
- 12 Dec 2024

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The certification of acquired data is a very critical aspect of wireline and Logging-while-Drilling (LWD) logging and is performed through the observation of key quality indicators.

The main objective of this course is to make you aware of these quality indicators as well as the different techniques to solve commonly found issues at the wellsite. we will recognize togther about the Explanation of petrophysical concepts and techniques., Discussions on tools physical principles, applications and QA/QC, Tool limitations on different borehole environments., Metrology concepts and applications on wireline and LWD logs, Multiple log quality control exercises

This course will explore the tools response explained from their physical principles as well as their relationship with the rock an d fluid properties, most common open hole logging technologies will be covered explaining their main applications and limitations. Basic petrophysical interpretation will be discussed with numerous examples and exercises in order to complement your knowledge to be able to perform a proper log QA/QC analysis.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the physical principles of wireline and Logging-while-Drilling (LWD) logging tools
  • Apply quality control techniques to validate logging data
  • Know the main applications and limitations of the different tool readings
  • Perform a complete log quality control in a set of logs
  • Perform a basic log interpretation
  • Explanation of petrophysical concepts and techniques
  • Discussions on tools physical principles, applications, and QA/QC
  • Tool limitations on different borehole environments
  • Metrology concepts and applications on wireline and LWD logs
  • Multiple log quality control exercise

This course is made for 

  • In general, all other oil & gas industry professionals who are involved in logging data QA/QC and validation
  • Geologists, geophysicist
  • Petroleum, reservoir, and drilling engineers
  • Engineers in exploration and production departments
  • Petrophysicist

Day One

Basic Logging Concepts and Principles of Metrology

  • Basic Well Logging Concepts
  • Auxiliary Measurements, QA/QC and common issues
  • Principles of Metrology – The Real Environment
  • Log Quality Control Basic Principles
  • Basic Measurements: Gamma Ray and Spontaneous Potential
  • QA/QC Indicators and Examples
  • Resistivity Theory, Principles and Applications of Laterologs
  • Microresistivity Devices, Principles and Applications

Day Two

Conductivity and Nuclear Logging Tools

  • Conductivity Tools, Uses and Limitations
  • LWD Resistivity Determination Tools
  • Log Quality Control and Common Issues
  • RT and Invasion Profile Determination
  • Formation Density Tools, Calibrations, Applications and QA/QC
  • Neutron Tools Principles, Calibrations, Applications and QA/QC
  • LWD Porosity Determination Tools
  • Nuclear Tools Limitations and Environmental Corrections

Day Three

Acoustic and Geological Logging Tools

  • Basic Sonic Tools, Borehole Compensation
  • Dipole Sonic Tools, Applications
  • Mechanical Properties Determination and Uses
  • Sonic Limitations, QA/QC and common issues in the Borehole
  • LWD Acoustic Tools
  • Cement Evaluation Logs:  CBL-VDL. Interpretation and QA/QC
  • Ultrasonic Cement Evaluation Tools
  • Dipmeter Interpretation Principles
  • Geological Image (resistivity and ultrasonic) Logging Tools
  • Principles, Interpretation and Log Quality Control Indicators
  • Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation Principles
  • Facies Analysis for Reservoir Characterization with Image Logs

Day Four

Advanced Logging Tools and Formation Testers

  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Applications, Limitations and QA/QC
  • Relaxation Mechanisms and their association with Fluid and Rock Properties
  • Porosity, Irreducible Water Saturation and Permeability Determination
  • Advanced Fluid Determination Methods: 3D Map T1-T2-Difussion
  • Dielectric Tools Principles and Applications
  • Saturation Determination Parameters, m, n and CEC
  • Geochemical Logging Tools, Uses, Limitations and QA/QC
  • Reservoir Pressure Determination Tools
  • Pre-test Interpretation, common issues and QA/QC
  • Pressure Gradient Interpretation and Examples
  • Fluid Sampling, Optical and Composition Fluid Analyzers
  • Advanced Probes for Special Well and Reservoir Conditions
  • Permeability Determination

Day Five

Well Seismic and Basic Petrophysics

  • Checkshot, VSP, Offset and Multi-Offset VSP, Walkaway
  • Different Source Types, Air-guns and Vibroseis Trucks
  • Physical Principles, Interpretation and Log Quality Control Indicators
  • Formation Evaluation Principles
  • Rw Determination Methods
  • Crossplots Utilization, Hingle and Pickett Plots
  • Graphical Interpretation Techniques for Porosity and Lithology
  • Saturation Determination Equations and Techniques
  • Complete Formation Evaluation for Simple Lithology
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