vibration analysis and condition monitoring





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- 8 Feb 2024

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27 Oct
- 31 Oct 2024

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During operation, machines generate vibrations and there are unwanted vibrations that will disrupt the machine system, which results in faults such as imbalance, wear, and misalignment. Thus, vibration analysis has become an effective method to monitor the health and performance of the machine. The vibration signatures of the machines contain important information regarding the machine condition such as the source of failure and its severity. Operators are also provided with an early warning for scheduled maintenance. Numerous approaches for analyzing the vibration data of machinery have been proposed over the years, and each approach has its characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. This manuscript presents a systematic review of up-to-date vibration analysis for machine monitoring and diagnosis. It involves data acquisition (instrument applied such as analyzer and sensors), feature extraction, and fault recognition techniques using artificial intelligence (AI). Several research questions (RQs) are aimed to be answered in this manuscript. A combination of time domain statistical features and deep learning approaches is expected to be widely applied in the future, where fault features can be automatically extracted from the raw vibration signals. The presence of various sensors and communication devices in the emerging smart machines will present a new and huge challenge in vibration monitoring and diagnosing.

In this course you will get the highest standards of knowledge and competency for professionals in the vibration field today.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Managing Condition Monitoring
  • Condition Monitoring Technologies
  • Principles of Vibration
  • Data Acquisition
  • Signal Processing
  • Fault Analysis
  • Corrective Action
  • Equipment Knowledge
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Equipment testing and Diagnostics
  • ISO Reference Standards
  • Reporting and Documentation
  • Fault Severity Determination
  • Running a Successful Program

This course is made for 

  • Newport
  • News Shipbuilding,
  • Prognost,
  • Many nuclear energy facilities,
  • paper mills,
  • Steel mills and
  • Power plants, and more.

Day One

condition monitoring introduction

  •  maintenance strategy and types
  •  source of vibration
  •  infra thermography technique overview
  •  oil analysis technique overview

Day Two

principles of vibration analysis

  • vibration amplitude
  • vibration displacement
  • vibration velocity
  • vibration acceleration
  • data acquisition technique
  • measurement point’s identification
  • phase concept and measurement

vibration measurement sensors

  • proximity report theory and operation
  • velocity transducer theory and operation
  • accelerometer theory and operation
  • sensor selection criteria
  • sensors fixation methods and effect

Day Three

vibration analysis fundamentals

  • converting from time wave form spectrum.
  • free vibration concept
  • forced vibration
  • resonance phenomena identification and problem solving
  • critical speed identification
  • non, sub and synchronous frequencies

Rotor unbalance fault detection and solving

  • unbalance defect reasons
  • unbalance detection using vibration analysis
  • Detection using spectrum and timewaveform
  • Detection using phase analysis
  • Detection using orbit analysis
  • unbalance correction method
  • 5.4 unbalance impact on machinery health

Day Four

misalignment defect detection and solving

  • misalignment sources
  • misalignment detection using vibration analysis
  • Detection using spectrum analysis
  • Detection using timewave form analysis
  • Detection using phase analysis
  • Detection using orbit analysis
  • misalignment solving problem
  • alignment using dial gages
  • alignment using laser alignment devise
  • belt alignment

bearing defects detection and solving

  • bearing failure sources
  • bearings failure stages
  • bearing failure detection
  • bearing failure effect on machinery health
  • proper bearings installation methods

Day Five

other common machinery defects

  • rotor eccentricity detection
  • belt defects detection
  • bent shaft detection
  • looseness defect detection
  •  Internal looseness
  •  External looseness
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