Time And ٍStress Management





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14 Jan
- 18 Jan 2024

5 Days



7 Jul
- 11 Jul 2024

5 Days



21 Apr
- 25 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


6 Oct
- 10 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This interactive course purpose is to get you to know how to ultimately use your time and plan your business and personal life properly. Moreover, it will help you to identify your different stressors, to differentiate between stress and distress, and besides you’ll learn some important lessons to better use your time and tips to reduce your stress levels.

  • Demonstrate how to say “no”
  • Delegate tasks and assignments
  • Know how to deals with time wasters
  • Learn how to help their staff in their struggle against the clock
  • Recognize signs of stress in self and others
  • Know the effective and ineffective ways of dealing with stress
  •  Administration Managers
  •  Management Secretaries
  •  Personal Secretaries
  •  Executive Assistants
  •  Personal Assistants
  •  Office Managers

Day One :

Time Management
  • Time Management facts and myths.
  • The importance of managing time
  • Components of time management.
  • Time Management as a management process.
  • Creating a culture of Time Value

Day Tow :

  • Planning with SMART objectives.
  • Urgent/ Important Matrix
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency Quadrants
  • Prioritizing- The Big Rocks and Stones
  • Time wasters & how to handle them
  • Effective meetings management

Day Three :

  • Enforcing the use a daily planner collectively.
  • The individual action plan

Day Four :

Stress Management
  • The relation between time and stress.
  • The types of stress.
  • Can stress be positive?

Day Five :

  • Stages of Stress
  • Signs of Stress
  • Your reaction to stress
  • Health hazards of chronic stress
Training Subject
Training Location