Thermal plants Heat Rate and Methods of Reducing Fuel Cost





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The heat rate of a plant is the amount of fuel energy input needed (Btu, higher heating value basis) to produce 1 kWh of net electrical energy output. It is the metric most often used in the electric power generation industry to track and report the performance of Thermal Power Plants.

Thermal Plant heat rate is a key economic issue in operation of thermal plants. The efficient utilization of fuel in Electric Power Production and desalination plants is the main target of this course. Only by monitoring the performance we can determine whether it is cost effective to continue operating the plant or alternatively maintenance and/or part renewal is necessary, Also it improve heat rate, different plant losses must be identified and understood and innovative methods to decrease these losses taken. This course is devoted to study and optimize the cost of unit energy in power and desalination plants.



At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Illustrate the financial benefits of Lowering Heat Rate
  • Illustrate Heat Rate Improvement Options
  • Illustrate Heat Rate Audit
  •  Learn what cycle parameters affect Heat rate
  • Learn methods for improving gas turbine heat rate
  • Calculation of Cost Due to Heat Rate Deviations
  • Capital and Maintenance Projects affecting cost of unit energy
  • Innovative methods in minimizing steam losses
  • Quantified Benefits of Implementing Recommendations
  • What to consider for improved Boiler performance
  • What to consider of improved Steam Turbine performance

This course is made for 

  • Equipment Engineer
  • High-Pressure Engineer
  • Marine Engineer
  • Mechanical Design Engineer
  • Automotive Engineer
  • Boiler Engineer
  • Ceramics Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Power Engineer
  • Rotating Equipment Engineer
  • Senior Mechanical Engineer
  • Turbine Engineer
  • Naval Architect
  • Pipeline Engineer
  • Validation Engineer

Day One

Types of Power Plants

  • Gas Turbine Power Plants
  •  Steam Power Plants
  •  Combined Cycle Power Plants
  • Comparison of Cost of Unit Energy

Plants Components

  • Gas Turbine components and fuel consumption.
  • Boiler details and combustion of fuel
  • Steam Turbine Components and details
  • Heat Recovery Boiler
  • Condenses
  • Feed Heaters Types and Details

Day Two

Thermal Plant Economics

  • Generation Cost; Capital Cost and Running Cost
  • Economic factors of Thermal Power Plants.
  • Capacity Factor 3.2.2 Load Factor
  • Use Factor 3.3.4 Reserve factor
  •  Reduction of operating variable cost through the heat rate improvements.
  • What is Heat Rate?
  • Plant Heat Rate
  • Why is Heat Rate Important?
  • Heat Rate Deviation
  • Cost of Heat Rate Deviations
  • Heat rate variation of plants with aging
  • Financial Loss of increased heat rate for specific power operating power plants.
  • Technology impact on Improvements of newly built plants compared to previously built plants

Heat Rate Calculations and effect of cycle parameters

  • The heat engine and energy conversion process
  • Heat rate
  • A simple turbine cycle with an open heater
  • Power and desalination plant turbine heat rate
  • Difference between Plant and turbine heat rate

Day Three

  • Effect of increasing pressure on available energy
  • Effect of increasing steam temperature on available Energy
  • Effect of increasing steam pressure & temperature both on available energy
  • Effect of changing reheat pressure
  • Effect of changing reheat temp
  • Effect of changing condenser exhaust pressure
  •  Economic case study
  •  Factors affecting the exhaust vacuum in the condensing type turbines
  •  Effect of parameters deviation on heat rate.
  •  Effect of out of service feed heater on plant heat rate.

Day Four

Effect of Steam Turbine Losses

  •  Fluid Friction
  •  Leakage
  •  New Techniques in minimizing leakage
    1.  Guardian Rings
    2.  Vortex Shedders
    3.  Case Study
    4. Brush Seals
  • Moisture Loss
  • Leaving Loss
  •  Profile Losses
  •  Blade path deterioration: Steam Turbine Blade path Audit
  •  Performance improvement form polishing of turbine blading

Day Five

  •  Heat Rates of Gas Turbine and Economics
    •  Different gas turbine cycles
    • Determining ISO Power and ISO Heat Rate
    •  Correcting for Ambient Temperature, Altitude, Humidity, Inlet and Exhaust Pressure Losses, Mechanical Transmission Losses and Turbine Deterioration.
    •  Part load heat rate
    • Methods of Increasing Power Output
    •  Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling
      1. Evaporative cooler
      2. Fogging system
      3. Mechanical refrigeration system (direct type)
      4.  Mechanical refrigeration system (indirect type)
      5.  Mechanical refrigeration with ice storage
      6. Mechanical refrigeration system with chilled water storage
      7.  Single stage Lithium Bromide Absorption chiller
      8.  Two stage Lithium Bromide Absorption chiller
    • Performance Evaluation of Different Inlet Air Cooling Systems:
    • Capital Cost Comparisons of Inlet Cooling Systems
    • Performance Evaluation
    • Modified gas turbine cycles:
      1.  Evaporative regenerative gas turbine cycle
      2.  Inter cooled recuperative gas turbine cycle (ICRGT).
      3.  Steam injected gas turbine cycle (STIG).
      4.  Humid air turbine (HAT).
    • Effect of Fouling on compressor Performance
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