The Investor’s Journey In The Government Sector





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3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

5 Days



1 Sep
- 5 Sep 2024

5 Days



10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


24 Nov
- 28 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


The customer journey is well understood by marketing experts today. It is understood as a journey of the customer to the product / service of the company. The journey leads along direct contact points such as advertisements, commercials and websites, but also indirect contact points such as third party opinions in rating portals, user forums, blogs, etc. An in-depth understanding of the entire customer journey is a basic requirement for a customer-oriented marketing and sales approach.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the role of financial accounting in public sector management
  • Prepare accounts in accordance with IPSASB framework
  • Analyse and interpret public sector financial reports
  • Use forecasting techniques to plan for income and expenses
  • Understand and actively participate in the budget process
  • Understand apply capital investment appraisal methods

This course is made for 

  • Public Sector Purchasing and Procurement Managers
  • Departmental Budget Holders
  • Financial Accounting Team Members
  • Finance Managers
  • Planning Managers
  • Public Sector Budget Accountants
  • Assistants to Ministry and Departmental Officials
Awareness: The awareness of the product is awakened. In the case of an investor journey, this can be achieved by means of a roadshow, conference participation or direct investor targeting.
Favorability: The interest in the product is increased within the framework of the Customer Journey: For the Investor Journey this means: The detailed investment criteria of the investors should – if not already done – be analyzed and worked out.
Consideration: The customer considers the purchase of the product within the Customer Journey: In connection with the Investor Journey this means: Early contact points, also known as „Early Stage Touchpoints“, are important to encourage the investor in his plan.
Intent to Purchase: In the Customer Journey, the intention to buy is now becoming more and more concrete. Within the framework of the Investor Journey, his interests are now changing. It is now about the „later contact points“. As with the „early contact points“, these interests can vary greatly from investor to investor.
Conversion: While the Customer Journey usually ends with the purchase of the product, the Investor Journey is transformed into a relationship management: The aim is to convince the investor to increase or, in the best case, to hold his share position.
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