Tender Management Professionals





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12 Feb
- 16 Feb 2024

5 Days



18 Aug
- 22 Aug 2024

5 Days



5 May
- 9 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


13 Oct
- 17 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


Many potential projects are put out to tender. That is numerous potential companies are provided with the opportunity to bid for the work. In their bids, they will describe how their company will solve a business problem, provide the service required or supply the goods requested. They will also need to provide a competitive price for this work. The process of designing and writing these proposals or tenders, complete with the competitive pricing, is called tender management, proposal management or bid management. This training course is designed to explore many of the best practices in the initial phases of contracting so that participants will be able to implement the steps needed to create maximum total value for their organization.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Help the professional learn the procedure as well as practice of bidding process of infrastructure projects.
  • Understand institutional and legislative frame of work for bidding management in the Indian content.
  • Become aware of and capable of handling problems encountered in bidding management
  • Promote the highest standards of job designation in the construction companies as by managing all tender documental work which is the very initial & key role for taking any contract from client to contractor
  • Promote good will in the construction industries and minimize the dispute the observance and contractual requirement.
  • Improve the industry’s quality of contract administration and e-tendering
  • Improve the industry’s quality of contract administration and e tendering practices

This course is made for:

  • Project Management Professionals
  • Contracts, Purchasing, and Project Personnel
  • Engineering, Operational, and Maintenance Personnel
  • Sales Managers
  • Brand Managers
  • Commercial Excellence Officers
  • HR Team
  • Compliance Officers


An Introduction to Bids

  • Bid Basics
  • Market Sounding
  • PQQs
  • Tenders


Decisions and Moving Forward

  • Decisions of Bid/No Bid
  • Alliances and Partnerships
  • Strategic and Tactical Business Excellence Models


An Effective Bid and Response

  • Managing an Effective Bid
  • The First Meeting
  • The Bid Plan
  • Understanding the Competition
  • The Bid Team
  • Power Team Workshops
  • Writing the Bid
  • Proposal Structure
  • Controlling and Monitoring the Bid Process
  • Production and Submission



  • The Evaluation Process
  • Assessment, Review, and Improvement
  • Clarification Requests and Negotiation
  • Presentations, Interviews, and Site Visits


Preparing the Contract for the Completion

  • Status Reporting Clause
  • Buyers Rights before Performance is Due
  • How Contracts May End
  • Termination for Convenience
  • Types of Bonds & Guarantees
  • Disputes Resolution Provisions
  • Other Contract Clauses List
  • Final Contract Review Process
Training Subject
Training Location