Talent Management And Assessment Tools Training





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28 Jan
- 1 Feb 2024

5 Days



28 Jul
- 1 Aug 2024

5 Days



6 May
- 10 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


20 Oct
- 24 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


With massive development in areas of work, many employers are turning to an array of Talent Assessment Tools to help them filter through their candidate pools during Talent Acquisition. Moreover applying different psychometric and leadership assessment tools for Talent Management & Identification processes.

In this course, you will learn which talent assessment tools are the most accurate in terms of their relationship to predicting job performance

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • learn which talent assessment tools are the most accurate in terms of their relationship to predicting job performance
  • Apply the right psychometric/aptitude test as per the job requirements.
  • Consult people regarding their career path
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills required for conducting competency-based interviews in your organizations
  • Apply the multifaceted aspects of talent management in their own organizations
  • Assess the leadership styles required for managing people


This course is made for 

  • HR Consultants
  • Top and Middle Managers
  • Human Resources Directors
  • Talent Assessors, HR Managers
  • Talent Acquisition Professionals & Managers and Talent Management leaders.

Day One 

Building a Competency Model

  • Core (Organizational) Competencies
  • Leadership Competencies
  • Technical (Functional) Competencies
  • Competency-based Job Analysis
  • Competency-profile Assessment
  • Assessing the competency level during the Competency-based Interviews

Day Two

Competency-based Learning and Development

  • Competency-based Performance Management
  • Career Interest Assessment (Six Holland Themes) 
  • Managerial / Leadership Style Assessment
    • Coercive Style: “Just do it the way I tell you to”
    • Coaching Style: “What did you learn”
    • Affiliative Style: “People first, task second”
    • Democratic Style: “Let’s decide together”
    • Pacesetting Style: “If you can’t do it right, I’ll do it myself”
    • Authoritative Style: “Let me tell you where we’re going as a team”

Day Three

Career Interest Assessment (Six Holland Themes)

  • Realistic “Doers”
  • Investigative “Thinkers”
  • Artistic “Creators”- Social “Helpers”
  • Enterprising “Persuaders”
  • Conventional “Organizers”

Day Four

Social / Behavioral Style Assessment

  • Drivers’ “Directives”
  • Expressive “Emotive”
  • Amiables “Supportives”
  • Analytical “Reflectives”

Day Five

Competency-Profile Assessment

  • Numerical Aptitude
  • Verbal Aptitude
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning
  • Spatial Abilities
  • Fault Diagnosis
  • Data Checking


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