Strategies of Contract planning, Negotiations and Dispute resolutions.





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8 Jan
- 12 Feb 2024

5 Days



9 Sep
- 13 Sep 2024

5 Days



30 Jun
- 4 Jul 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


9 Dec
- 13 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


If you are currently in internal budget negotiations or external supplier negotiations, the ability to negotiate and manage conflict effectively comes from understanding the structural and interpersonal aspects of negotiations. Negotiating and Dispute Resolutions course will elevate participant’s ability to negotiate effectively , For instance,a critical competency for internal and external business negotiations. It will equip them with a detailed understanding of the negotiation process and an appreciation of the elements of planning a strategy to achieve workable solutions and success.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the significance of planning and setting SMART objectives
  • Demonstrate their understanding of the significance of planning and objective setting
  • Understand how to use interpersonal skills effectively during a negotiation
  • Describe how to achieve ‘win-win’ outcomes within the bargaining process
  • Identify the causes of disagreements & disputes and prevent escalation
  • Describe the use of strategies to resolve the causes of disputes
  • Analyse the reasons for disagreements and disputes
  • Understand the importance of active team members during negotiations
  • Training on negotiation strategies during practical exercises
  • Different kinds of tactics and plots used against you
  • Understand the strategies for negotiation

This course is made for:

  • Supply chain managers
  • Sales managers
  • Senior management
  • Compliance officers
  • Risk management team
  • Purchasing team and managers
  • Management Consultant
  • Public Relations Director


Fundamentals of Negotiation

  • Methodology of negotiation and understanding the do’s and don’ts in negotiations
  • Why/how disputes occur? And how to resolve them
  • Negotiation break-down and its impact commercially
  • Understanding the concept of (BATNA)- best alternative to a negotiated agreement
  • The four stages of negotiation – preparation, opening, bargaining and closure


Negotiation Tools

  • Understanding the need for information
  • Learning to draft a proposal for discussion
  • Discussion phase or “How to start a discussion?”
  • Learning “how to bargain?” and “how to close?”

Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management

  • Using contracts to avoid disputes
  • Tiered dispute resolution mechanisms
  • The Contract clause to encourage negotiation
  • Litigation and Arbitration
  • Modern dispute resolution processes including mediation


Techniques of Negotiation and its Tactics/Plots

  • Understanding the difference of cultural and international issues
  • Concept of three types of negotiators – Red, purple and blue
  • How to understand body language
  • Importance of non-verbal communication
  • “Time is Money”
  • Analyzing the tactics/plots and thus responding effectively


Dealing with Disputes

  • Recognizing potential problems and dealing with issues as they arise
  • Legal rights and commercial outcomes distinguished
  • Negotiation structures for internal dispute resolution
  • External dispute resolution – Litigation and Arbitration
  • Modern alternatives in dispute resolution -?Adjudication?Expert Determination?Mediation


Practical Applications

  • Case studies on effective negotiations
  • Analyse your performance
  • Practical training and action planning
  • Allocation of team and training to negotiate
  • Review of the course and “Question and Answer session”
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