Strategic Business And Commercial Acumen





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15 Apr
- 19 Apr 2024

5 Days



9 Sep
- 13 Sep 2024

5 Days



The programme will provide you with the skills and insights to develop their business acumen, by developing your leadership, strategy and organizational capabilities, whilst extending your broader view on commercial issues. IN addition, you will learn the importance of flexibility, focus, empathy, encouragement and a well-balanced approach to working in the modern business context. You will also learn how business awareness, thinking styles, problem solving skills, emotional intelligence and cultural matters are important in guiding both yourself and others towards success – creating smart people and people-smart strategies.


By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand how the strategic analysis process helps decision makers perform in-depth analyses and identify optimal strategic alternatives
  • Differentiate between the three levels of strategy (corporate, business, and functional)
  • Perform external analysis by looking at the supply chain, mapping out strategic groups, building competitive forces model and analyzing PEST factors
  • Perform internal analysis by understanding a company’s core competencies, competitive advantage, value chain activities and ways to sustain competitive advantages
  • Assess a company’s current corporate-level, business-level and functional-level strategies

This course is made for:

  • Directors and Managers who have high levels of capability and accountability in the organization and wish to strengthen and focus their business acumen
  • Fast-tracked leaders with growing responsibility, who wish to strengthen their business acumen, strategic thinking and decision-making skills
  • Managers of a functional area who are preparing for advancement into positions where a business-wide perspective is required
  • New and talented Managers who recently entered into leadership positions and want to increase their range of expertise and experience with broader industry exposure

Day One:

  • Introductions
  • Strategic Context
  • Financial Overview
  • Funding
  • The purpose of a business

Day Two:

  • Market Dynamics
  • Return on Investment
  • Return on Capital Employed
  • Gearing
  • Leverage
  • Liquidity
  • Communicating financial & commercial information

Day Three:

  • Key Financial Terms
  • Management Information
  • Budgeting & Forecasting
  • Advanced Budgeting & Forecasting Techniques
  • Building the Business Case

Day Four:

  • Environmental analysis revisited
  • Asset Valuation
  • Global Macro Economics
  • Financial Data Analysis

Day Five:

  • Leading commercial initiatives
  • Scare Resource Allocation
  • Financial Planning
  • Strategic Presentation
  • Review of topics covered
  • Action Planning & application


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