


Book Now

24 Jun
- 28 Jun 2024

5 Days



25 Nov
- 29 Nov 2024

5 Days



7 Jan
- 11 Jan 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


2 Sep
- 6 Sep 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Businesses are increasingly reliant on their supply partners. Learn how to focus on the suppliers who can help your organization move into the future. Take advantage of this extensive learning program, delving deep into the ‘source-to-exit’ relationship governance of your supply base.
Learn about tools that will develop your skills and enhance your capabilities. Be able to make greater contributions to drive forward your corporate goals and objectives and drive smarter behaviors from your internal clients.
Learn how to create an atmosphere where your suppliers become more than just a supplier; where they develop the ability to be a ‘responsible supplier’ treating you as a ‘customer of choice’; where they become a true business partner and a strategic asset to your organization focused on long term mutual goals.
This course is a mix of both theory and practice. There are short lectures, group discussions and numerous interactive exercises, all designed to develop new ideas and gain full understanding of how and where we can choose to drive better supplier relationships.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the drivers in procurement activity and the role that procurement plays in supplier management.
  • To encourage organizations to “Think like a Supplier” to develop better relationships and improve consistency of outcomes.
  • Introduce the concept of Supplier Relationship Management and explore its key elements.
  • Develop methods for improving Supplier Management.
  • Understand the concepts and challenges presented by SIAM.

This course is made for :

  • Supplier Relationship Managers
  • Contract Managers / Engineers / Specialists
  • Local Content Development Managers
  •  Procurement Managers / Coordinators
  •  Business Relationship Managers
  • Business Unit Managers
  • Team leaders or management level candidates who own or manage supplier relationships whether in IT, business or procurement areas.
Day One
  • Networking with the people next to you. Why should you know them
  • Understanding WCC
  • Foundation principles of SRM and the challenge of contracting
  • Becoming the customer of choice
  • Suppliers as a source of value
  • The basics of contracting
Day Two

Procurement as part of an integrated supply chain:

  • To understand the role the procurement activity plays in supplier management.
  • To review risks when choosing a supplier.
  • Investigate procurement policies
  • Introduce a brief overview of the procurement process cycle.
  • Understand how procurement works with supplier management.
  • Understand the “6 rights” of procurement.
  • Introduce the concept of supplier service.

Day Three
Supplier management from the perspective of the supplier:

  • Investigate how power will affect the supplier / customer dynamic.
  • To understand the characteristics suppliers and buyers / customers look for in each other.
  • Investigate possible drivers for supplier attitudes by examining pricing.
  • To look at ways to “health check” your supplier relationships.

Day Four
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) as a discipline:

  • To define supplier relationship management (SRM).
  • To uncover the benefits of good SRM.
  • To introduce the key stages in implementing and managing SRM.
  • Discover what good SRM looks like.
  • Introduce the KPIs and balanced scorecard methods of monitoring and managing suppliers.
  • Investigate the importance of supplier meetings.
  • Understand how to benchmark suppliers.

Day Five
Implementing and improving supplier management:

  • Define the concept of supplier development.
  • To understand the reasons to develop suppliers.
  • To investigate the categorisation and selection of suppliers for developing.
  • To introduce models for relationship progression and development.
  • To investigate how trust and culture effect supplier development.

Service Integration and Management (SIAM):

  • Understand the key elements of SIAM.
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