Scaling, Membrane Fouling & Chemical Cleaning in RO Plant





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21 Jan
- 25 Jan 2024

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23 Sep
- 27 Sep 2024

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- 18 Jul 2024

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22 Dec
- 26 Dec 2024

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High-pressure driven reverse osmosis (RO) membrane filtration is capable of generating large amounts of ultrapure water for industrial applications. The excellent removal capacity of contaminants, decreasing prices for membranes, and enhanced membrane lifetimes led to widespread acceptance and popularity of RO. So Monitoring overall plant performance on a regular basis is an essential step in recognizing when membrane elements are becoming fouled. Performance is affected progressively and in varying degrees, depending on the nature of the foulants. RO cleaning frequency due to fouling will vary by site. we have to clean the membranes when they are only lightly fouled, not heavily fouled. Heavy fouling can impair the effectiveness of the cleaning chemical by impeding the penetration of the chemical deep into the foulant

The course shall present a cradle-to-grave strategy to preserve RO plant function, predict RO plant performance and avoid the failure of RO plant components, and ensure the highest permeate productivity with the best salt rejection. The course shall assist attendees to understand and manage properly any RO plant with best practice and the most cost-effective method. This should result in maximizing membranes and components life, reducing operating costs, and maintaining productivity and quality. and how to decrease plant performance when it is frequency performed and learn how to use the suitable chemical cleaning

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Membrane types, application and configurations.
  • Understand Osmosis & Reverse Osmosis principles.
  • Understand the basics of how RO units work and understand common problems caused by scaling, fouling and chemical attack.
  • RO Plant Configuration and passes.
  • How to operate smoothly RO plant
  • Monitor RO plant performance and take necessary corrective action
  • Control scaling, fouling and chemical attack by using appropriate pretreatment technologies.
  • Reverse Osmosis membranes cleaning.
  • Learn how to monitor, troubleshoot and clean RO Units. You will learn some pretreatment requirements of a membrane system.
  • Learn the practice and theory on Pre-treatment, fouling and scaling in micro and ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis applied for the production.
  •  learn the impact of the water source, seawater, brackish ground water and treated domestic waste water will discussed in depth.
  •  Learn Scaling Calculations and prediction and Scaling Control, Monitoring, Antiscalants and Remedial Actions.
  • Understand RO design.
  • RO components selection
  • RO economics
  • RO Maintenance Management.
  • RO performance parameters monitoring and control
  • RO process normalization

This course is made for 

  • Supply chain engineer
  •  Distillates analyst
  •  Models engineer
  • Process design
  •  Unit Operator
  •  Environmental
  •  Process safety engineer
  •  Gasoline blender engineer
  •  Lab supervisor
  •  Chemical Operator
  •  Chemical Plant Operator
  •  Chemical Process Technician Gathering Pipeline engineer
  •  Oil Terminal / Storage engineer
  •  Pipeline Maintenance / Equipment / Compliance / Repair
  •  Pipeline Testing / Technician / Supervisor / Safety
  •  Plant Equipment Operator
  •  Plant Operations Technician
  • Plant Shutdown
  • Plant Supervisor
  • Control Room Supervisor
  •  Gas Plant Process Operator
  •  Gas Production Operator
  •  Gas Terminal Operations and Storage
  • Power Distribution
  • Power Plant Manager
  • Process Supervisor
  • Refinery Operations Technician / Manager
  • Terminal Operator / Manager
  • Utilities Operator
  • QA & QC engineers.

Day One

 RO Membranes & Elements

  • Introduction
  • Hyperfiltration
  • Semipermeable Membranes
  • Osmosis
  •  Reverse Osmosis
  •  Net Driving Pressure
  •  Temperature
  •  Salt Passage or Salt Flux
  •  Membrane Elements

 Reverse Osmosis Operation

  •  Pressure Vessels
  •  RO Units
  •  Flow Rates
  •  Feed Water Salt Concentration
  •  Permeate Salt Concentration

Day Two

Reverse Osmosis Problems

  •  Scaling
  •  Fouling
  •  Chemical Attack
  •  Percent Recovery
  •  Scale Control within an RO Unit
  •  Fouling Control within an RO Unit

Monitoring RO Unit

  •  Monitoring Tools
  •  Normalized Permeate Flow (NPF)
  •  Pressure Drop
  •  Percent Salt Rejection (%SR)
  • Profiling / Instrumentation

Day Three

Activated Carbon Pretreatment

  • Activated Carbon Vessels
  •  Normal Services
  •  Backwashing
  •  Organics Removal
  •  Sanitization

Chemical Cleaning of RO Units


  • Remove Scalants
  • Remove Foulants
  • Chemical Cleaning Equipment
  • Good Cleaning Procedures

Day Four

Troubleshooting RO Units

  • High Conductivity from ONE PV
  • Scaling
  • Fouling
  • Chemical Attack

Controlling RO Unit Scaling


  • Scaling Calculations and Prediction
  • Scaling Control, Monitoring
  • Acid Injection
  • Scale Inhibitor Injection
  • Softening
  • ph, Hardness & Alkalinity
  • Anti-scalants
  • Remedial Action

Day Five

Controlling Membrane Chemical Attack

  • Pretreatment & Monitoring to Control Chemical Attack
  • ph
  • Activated Carbon
  • Sulfite Injection
  • ORP & Chlorine

Controlling RO Fouling

  • Clarification
  • Media Filtration
  • RO Unit Pre-Filtration
  • Silt Dispersant Injection
  • Silt Density Index
  • Recent Advances in RO Technology
Training Subject
Training Location