SCADA/EMS For Power System Dispatch Center





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26 Feb
- 1 Mar 2024

5 Days



25 Aug
- 29 Aug 2024

5 Days



9 Jun
- 13 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


17 Nov
- 21 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


We all know SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, but most of us confuse that with HMI- Human Machine Interface. SCADA is merely software whereas HMI is hardware. The advantage of SCADA is we can use a computer, install the SCADA software, and can work it like an HMI as well.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:
  • Gain general understanding of what is ICS/SCADA
  • Gain general understanding of typical ICS/SCADA architectures
  • Gain general  understanding of technologies used in ICS/SCADA
  • Gain general understanding of software used in ICS/SCADA
  • Gain general  understanding of different ICS/SCADA protocols
  • Gain general understanding of ICS/SCADA security regulations & standards
  • Gain general understanding  why do these technologies need to be defended?
  • Gain general understanding of the ICS/SCADA threat landscape
  • Gain general understanding of ICS/SCADA attack surfaces
  • Gain general understanding of how to defend yourself, with technical examples
  • Learn about the tools and techniques that can be used to better understand your environments.
  • Have the appropriate mindset for defending your ICS/SCADA environments.

This course is made for 

  • Electrical power generation systems and distribution engineers in utilities and industrial plants
  •  Managers of private electricity producers and large power consumers
  • Substation engineers
  • Consulting engineers
  •  Manufacturers of power equipment technicians and technologists
  • Other technical personnel involved in the design, operation and maintenance of high/medium voltage substations
  • Operations technicians
  • Electrical maintenance technicians and supervisors

Day One

Introduction to Power Quality

  •  Definition of Power Quality
  • Power Quality Progression
  •  Power Quality Terminology
  • Power Quality Issues
  •  Susceptibility Criteria
  •  Responsibilities of the Suppliers and Users of Electrical Power
  •  Power Quality Standards

Power Frequency Disturbance

  •  Common Power Frequency Disturbances
  •  Cures for Low-Frequency Disturbances
  • Voltage Tolerance Criteria

Day Two

 Electrical Transients

  • Transient System Model
  •  Examples of Transient Models and Their Response
  •  Power System Transient Model
  •  Types and Causes of Transients

Day Three

 Grounding and Bonding

  •  Shock and Fire Hazards
  •  National Electrical Code Grounding Requirements
  •  Essentials of a Grounded System
  •  Ground Electrodes
  •  Earth Resistance Tests
  •  Earth–Ground Grid Systems (Ground Rods, Plates, Ground Ring)
  •  Power Ground System
  •  Signal Reference Ground
  •  Signal Reference Ground Methods
  •  Single-Point and Multipoint Grounding

Day Four

Electromagnetic Interference

  •  Frequency Classification
  •   Electrical Fields
  •  Magnetic Fields
  •  Power Frequency Fields
  •  High-Frequency Interference
  •  Electromagnetic Interference Susceptibility
  •  EMI Mitigation
  •  Cable Shielding to Minimize Electromagnetic Interference
  •  Health Concerns of Electromagnetic Interference

Day Five

 Static Electricity

  •  Tribo-electricity
  •  Static Voltage Buildup Criteria
  •  Static Model
  •  Static Control
  •  Static Control Floors
  •  Humidity Control
  •  Ion Compensation
  •  Static-Preventative Casters
  •  Static Floor Requirements
  •  Measurement of Static Voltages
  •  Discharge of Static Potentials
Training Subject
Training Location