Road Construction Materials And Construction Technologies





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19 Feb
- 23 Feb 2024

5 Days



19 Aug
- 23 Aug 2024

5 Days



3 Jun
- 7 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


11 Nov
- 15 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


By attending this Road Construction Materials and Construction Technologies Training you will Obtain and introduce knowledge on road construction materials and construction technologies, equipment and techniques and  Identify the road materials and material properties in construction and materials used in road pavements and etc.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to :

  • Obtain and introducing knowledge on road construction materials
  • Gain insights into construction technologies, equipment and techniques
  • Identify the road materials and material properties in construction
  • Get information of the materials used in road pavements

This course is made for 

  • Road construction engineers working in road construction, construction supervision of road projects.

Day One 

  • An introduction to road construction materials
  • The used materials for road embankment, road pavement (gravel roads, surface dressed roads, paved roads
  • Material properties
  • Soil and subbase: Standard tests to determine the engineering properties of road materials
  • Standard tests to determine the engineering properties of road materials

Day Two

  • Types of Asphalt Mixtures
  • Hot mix asphalt concrete
  • Worm mix asphalt concrete
  • Cold mix asphalt concrete

Day Three

  • Design of Asphalt Concrete Mixture
  • How to test materials used in the asphalt mix (course aggregate, fine aggregate, mineral filler, binder
  • Specification requirements
  • Blinding of aggregate
  • Graduation of blinded aggregates
  • Marshal method for design of asphalt mixtures; volumetric relationships, optimum bitumen content, tolerance, job mix formula

Day Four

  • The importance of quality control in road construction processes
  • Selection of materials sources
  • Test of materials
  • Inspection of the executed work
  • Test the executed work
  • Filling the test result for quality assurance process
  • Quality assurance in road construction processes

Day Five

  • Road Construction Technology
  • Introduction to the new technologies in road construction
  • New equipment’s, new techniques used in road construction


Training Subject
Training Location