Risk Champion Masterclass





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18 Feb
- 22 Feb 2024

5 Days



18 Aug
- 22 Aug 2024

5 Days



27 May
- 31 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


10 Nov
- 14 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Risk Champion MasterClass, aims to develop Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Champions able to drive ERM initiatives by allowing them to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to undertake the implementation of a comprehensive Integrated Risk Management (IRM) model across the enterprise. This course will help participants distinguish the respective Risk Ownership roles at the Business Units from those Supportive Roles at the Assurance and Control Functions like Internal Control, Compliance, Risk and Internal Audit. Our training course targeting attendees from the Human Capital in charge of Managing Risks and Supporting the ERM success within the organization, and will equip them with the best practice tools and instruments required to perform their roles and responsibilities effectively and competently.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the definitions of key terms of Risk & Risk Management
  • Explore the different stages of the Risk Management process
  • Apply tools and techniques used for Risk Identification & Formulation
  • Study Risk Ranking and Risk Treatment procedures
  • Learn about Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance
  • Apply Risk Escalation and Reporting procedures
  • Understand the Enterprise Risk Management model
  • Discuss the Risk Management Implementation planning

This course is made for

  • Risk Champions
  • Chief Risk and Compliance Officers
  • Chief Internal Audit
  • Compliance Managers
  • Compliance Officers
  • Business Unit Heads
  • Department Heads
  • Risk Management Function
  • Internal Audit Function
  • Internal Control Function

Day One: 

Risk Management Process

  • What is Risk, What is Risk Management?
  • Types of Risks, Risk Management Approaches
  • Risk Management Structure
  • The Risk Management Process (ISO 31000)
  • Establishing the Context
  • Risk Identification

Day Two:

Risk Identification and Formulation 

  • Risk Classification
  • External Environment
  • Internal Organization
  • Risk Assessment (Identification and Analysis) Techniques
  • Horizon Scanning
  • Information Gathering Techniques
  • Information Processing Tools
  • Risk Formulation

Day Three:

Risk Ranking and Treatment

  • Risk Prioritization and Ranking
  • Risk Evaluation, Risk Vulnerability
  • Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance and Risk Capacity
  • Risk Profile
  • Risk Treatment and Response
  • Risk Monitoring and Reviewing
  • Risk Communication, Escalation and Reporting

Day Four:

Risk Control  

  • Organizational Resilience and Business Continuity Planning
  • Risk Control Techniques
  • Using Key Risk Indicators (KRI’s)
  • Creation of a Risk Register
  • Risk Management Challenges
  • Risk Maturity
  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Day Five:

Risk Management Implementation 

  • Risk Management Framework
  • Risk Strategy
  • Risk Appetite Statement (RAS)
  • Risk Governance
  • Risk Readiness Checklist
  • Leading Practices in Risk management Implementation
  • Risk Language and Risk Management Vocabulary

N.B: Exam fees are not included

Training Subject
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