Quality Assurance and Management





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22 Jan
- 26 Jan 2024

5 Days



22 Jul
- 26 Jul 2024

5 Days



5 May
- 9 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


14 Oct
- 18 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


Quality assurance (QA) is any systematic process of determining whether a product or service meets specified requirements. QA establishes and maintains set requirements for developing or manufacturing reliable products. A quality assurance system is authorized to increase customer confidence and a company’s credibility, while also improving work processes and efficiency, and it enables a company to better compete with others.

The course will focus on background to the various concepts of managing quality in organizations to ensure the participants are familiar with quality assurance.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Be aware of the history of quality assurance and standardization and state different models and frameworks for quality assurance
  • Realize the latest international frameworks in management systems and discuss some of the benefits these can bring to organizations
  • Appreciate methods for identifying and improving interaction in business processes.
  • Learn the importance of risk based thinking in a quality management systems and awareness of organizational context and what is means in a quality management system
  • Understand some of the practical requirements of management systems auditing and state the benefits of audit in a quality management system including practicing audit techniques

This course is made for:

  • Quality assurance officers
  • Sales and Marketing managers
  • Departments managers
  • Audit officers
  • HR team and managers


Introduction to Quality Assurance and Control

  • An Introduction to Quality Assurance and Control
  • A History of Quality Assurance
  • Introduction to Models of Quality Assurance and Control
  • Concepts of Total Quality Management
  • Deming’s Fourteen Points and other approaches
  • The Process approach and ISO9001


Principles of Quality Assurance and Control

  • Core Principles in achieving Total Quality Management
  • Prevention, not correction
  • Customer Focused Quality
  • Establishing Vision, Mission and Policy
  • Opportunities for Organizational Continuous Improvement
  • Building Quality through Teamwork


Planning and Operating a Quality Management System

  • Establishing Policies
  • Planning for a Quality Management System
  • Assessing Risk and Opportunity within a Quality Management System
  • Supporting your System – Resources, Competence
  • Operations, Planning and Control


Audit as a Management Tool

  • Management Systems Auditing
  • The Face of a Systems Auditor
  • Requirements of ISO19011 – guidelines for auditing management systems
  • Types of Systems Audits
  • Planning Audits
  • Audit as part of performance monitoring and organizational improvement


Document Management in Your Quality Management System

  • Building a Document Control System
  • Document Life Cycles
  • Consistency in document appearance, notation and circulation
  • Maintaining the integrity of Document Controls
  • Availability of documents to interested parties
Training Subject
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