Presentation Skills Course





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3 Mar
- 7 Mar 2024

5 Days



1 Sep
- 5 Sep 2024

5 Days



10 Jun
- 14 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


24 Nov
- 28 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Presentation skills are essential to career success and are key to achieving career success.  Leaders especially need to hone their public speaking skills from time to time.  They are the ones who set the direction for their team, build a vision for the future, and drive innovation.  So if you want to be a good leader, you have to be an excellent communicator.  The ability to deliver a speech with authority, conviction, and impact is a universal factor in directing outcomes and influencing decision-making.

The course is designed to develop interpersonal skills, increase confidence and help in the planning and delivery of successful presentations. Whether you’re looking for general tips on effective public speaking or specific advice on the analysis and presentation of data, these specially designed courses will show you how to present memorably and with impact. Tailor-made solutions are also available depending on your company objectives and what areas you wish to focus on.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Build self-confidence and charisma.
  •  Find out how to be a “Star Presenter”.
  •  See presentation planning tips.
  •  Look at different visual aids.
  •  Discuss the preparation stage.
  •  Learn about the best delivery methods.
  • Practice techniques that ensure the use of clear, concise, and effective wording.
  •  Deliver a polished, professional, and credible presentation.
  •  Handle questions and comments effectively.
  • Focus on how to sell an idea.
  •  Analyze the audience and tailor the show accordingly.
  •  Expand on key points to ensure clarity.
  •  Check out the suggested location.
  •  Master techniques to overcome nervousness and present with confidence.

This course is made for :

  • Marketing managers
  • CEO and General managers
  •  Personal secretarial and Executive assistants
  •  Personal assistants
  • Teachers and Lecturers
  •  Office managers
  • Brand managers
  •  Management secretaries
  •  Senior assistants
  • Public speakers
  • Business People
  • Sales Executives
  • Managers and Secretaries
  • Team Leaders

Day One

Introduction to Presentation Skills

  • Fundamentals of Presenting
  • Become an Effective Speaker
  • Your Field of Communication
  • Most Common Mistakes
  • How to Present with Confidence?
  • Planning and Structuring a Presentation
  • Transitions
  • Organizing Presentation Material to Suit Your Audience

Day Two

Using Relevant Presentation Methods

  • Presentation Styles
  • Preparing for the Occasion
  • Preparing for Your Audience
  • Using What, Why, and How to Write Your Presentation

Day Three

Bringing your Presentation to Life

  • How to Make a Good Impression from the Start?
  • Getting Your Point Across
  • Authentic Communication
  • Delivery
  • Finding Your Own Voice

Day Four

Presentation Activity

  • Using Visual Aids
  • How to Prepare and Present Data
  • How and When to Engage with the Audience?
  • Reading Audience Reactions
  • Grabbing the Attention of your Audience
  • Asking Questions
  • Inspire and Motivate
  • Body Language
  • Eye Contact
  • Using Emotional Intelligence
  • Successfully Closing a Presentation
  • Receiving Feedback

Day Five

Dealing with Unforeseen Circumstances

  • Improvising and Thinking on Your Feet
  • Room Layouts
  • Beating Last-Minute Nerves
  • Staying Calm When There are Delays in Starting or Technology Failures
  • Dealing with Difficult Audiences
  • Dealing with Questions

Management and Leadership training courses

Training Subject
Training Location