Power System Reliability & Security





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28 Jan
- 1 Feb 2024

5 Days



28 Jul
- 1 Aug 2024

5 Days



The course will cover methodology and techniques for reliability and security analysis of power systems. The topics in the course can be grouped in three parts: 1. Techniques for reliability evaluation, such as minimum cut set and Markov models to model weather effects and maintenance. Models for evaluation of generation systems (LOLP, LOLE and Energy not supplied). 2. Load flow models applied to contingency analysis. 3. Combination of load flow modeling and reliability evaluation for analysis of meshed networks (regional and main grid). To give a deeper understanding of the problems in power system reliability and security, and to provide methods and techniques to solve these problems.

To complement those efforts, it is appropriate that proponents of new electricity generation projects in NSW consider system security and reliability at the planning stage. By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Encourage upfront consideration of the energy security and reliability capabilities that a project proponent could include in their project design. This could potentially reduce the need for future modification applications.
  • Support a smooth and orderly transition to a secure, reliable and modern energy system.

This course is made for 

  • Electrical power engineers
  • Electrical engineering students
  • Reliability engineers
  • systems/network/application security professionals who are preparing for the SSCP exam. 
  • Any IT professional who wants to gain a broad understanding of how to secure modern enterprises
Day One
  • Stating the basic concepts of reliability engineering.
  • Defining main terms such as reliability, availability, and maintainability.
  • Stating the main requirements of power system reliability evaluation.
  • Using various statistical probability distributions for various applications in power system reliability evaluation.

Day Two

  • Differentiating between the types of time-dependent failures.
  • Evaluating the reliability of a group of power system components using the binomial distribution.
  • Constructing the COPT and determining the risk indices.
  • Estimating the probability of events using the Poisson distribution.

Day Three

  • Evaluating the reliability of simple and complex systems operating during the useful life phase.
  • Stating the main reliability indices of electric distribution systems.
  • Calculating distribution system reliability indices for sustained and momentary interruptions.

Day Four

  • Describes insider attacks and mitigation of such attacks.
  • Describes the inherent vulnerabilities in SCADA systems.
  • Presents the analysis in the vulnerabilities of the devices, and compares it with the specifications of the manufacturer. 
  • Discusses on our analysis and research. 

Day Five

  • Provides the monitoring aspect of power control devices and general ways of safeguarding the SCADA systems.
  • Discusses on the compliance of the devices with the NERC-CIP standards for providing cyber security in the infrastructure. This includes the risks, technical aspects of the attacks and their consequences.
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