Overcoming Obstacles and Building Team Resilience Skills Training





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28 Jan
- 1 Feb 2024

5 Days



21 Jul
- 25 Jul 2024

5 Days



6 May
- 10 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


20 Oct
- 24 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Empower yourself with the skills to cope with adversity and to use challenges to forge strength and prosperity. Developing employees with strong resilience can lead to increased productivity, focus, creativity, and problem-solving skills, as well as developing a culture of productive responses and ultimately a happier, healthier workplace which improves employee retention and overall business resilience. This course aimed at building resilience for corporate leaders will provide your employees with an opportunity to become mentally stronger and learn skills to steadfastly overcome obstacles in life and thrive both personally and professionally. We love to see people join forces to combine their unique skills, growing together as a team and becoming collectively stronger as they face down challenges. It is the kind of story that speaks to something in our psyche.

 Everyone likes to live where they want.  But sometimes life has another plan for you that can be for your good or bad.  If you are prepared for the worst, you will have no qualms about the good.  .  Don’t worry, I think you can do that.  You will succeed, survive and thrive through the worst time of your life.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand life’s obstacles
  •  Learn about flexibility
  •  overcome obstacles
  •  What is modern flexibility?
  •  How important is flexibility?
  •  Solve the problem
  •  Difference between issues, obstacles, and crises
  •  Build essential skills to become resilient
  • Build self-esteem and confidence
  • Build Self-control/agency and change management
  • Find a sense of purpose and vision
  • Build social skills and contribution
  • Develop conflict and problem-solving skills

This course is made for :

  • Sales representatives
  • Sales managers
  • Marketing managers
  • The HR team and HR manager
  • Commercial excellence officer
  • Compliance officer
  • Business owners
  • Startup companies owners

Day One

Bounce back with resilience

  • Overcoming obstacles and building resilience.
  • What is resilience?
  • What is modern resilience?
  • the resilience of influencers around the world.
  • What is the problem and how does it help in resilience?

Day Two

Be aware of your thoughts

  • Problems are an asset and an opportunity for growth.
  •  Problems are an asset and Resilience sees opportunity.
  •  What are the obstacles versus the problem and how can they help?
  •  How can both help us reach desire?

Day Three

What about boundaries?

  • problem and issue.
  •  Basic skills.
  •  Solve the problem.

Day Four


  • Mindset – A new way to become resilient.
  •  Money.
  •  Plan B wins most of the time but not always.

Day Five


  • Learn from failures
  • Embrace change
  •  stress management.
  • Become self-motivated

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