Network Penetration Testing





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30 Jun
- 4 Jul 2024

5 Days



8 Dec
- 12 Dec 2024

5 Days



8 Jan
- 12 Jan 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


8 Sep
- 12 Sep 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This Course will help you to  gain an in depth knowledge and practical experience with the current essential security systems, Understand the various exploitation techniques a hacker might use on a network. This will help you in identifying and exploiting the vulnerabilities in the network. , also  the additional techniques and networking tools similar to Wireshark or TCPDump.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:
  • Gain prerequisites to doing certified courses such as CISSP, OSCP (PWK) and CEH
  • Better understand the world of penetration testing
  • Conduct a basic network penetration test from start to finish from an ethical hackers perspective.
  • learn all the skillset which allow you to use the latest Penetration tools and to secure the client’s network.

This course is made for :

  • Security Analysts
  • Penetration Testers
  • Cybersecurity Consultants
  • whos  interested in learning the concepts of ethical hacking and penetration testing.

Day One

  • Introduction
  • Wireshark
  • NMAP Basics
  • NMAP Firewall Scan

Day Two

  • Metasploit
  • Dictionary & Passwords Attacks
  • FTP Penetration Testing (Port 21)
  • SSH Penetration Testing (Port 22)
  • Telnet Penetration Testing (Port 23)

Day Three

  • SMTP Penetration Testing (Port 25)
  • DNS & DHCP Penetration Testing (Port 53, 67, 68)
  • NetBIOS & SMB Penetration Testing (Port 135-445)
  • SNMP Penetration Testing (Port 161, 162)
  • MSSQL Penetration Testing (Port 1433)

Day Four

  • MySQL Penetration Testing (Port 3306)
  • Remote Desktop Penetration Testing (Port 3389)
  • VNC Penetration Testing (Port 5900, 5901)
  • Sniffing & Spoofing
  • Socks Proxy Penetration Testing

Day Five

  • IDS, Firewall, Honeypots
  • DOS Attack Penetration Testing
  • Social Engineering Attack
  • Covering Tracks & Maintaining Access
  • Network Vulnerability Assessment Tool
Training Subject
Training Location