Motivating The Sales Team





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22 Jan
- 26 Jan 2024

5 Days



22 Jul
- 26 Jul 2024

5 Days



7 Oct
- 11 Oct 2024

5 Days



5 May
- 9 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


14 Oct
- 18 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


9 Dec
- 13 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Training and motivating your sales team is a key part of any business that relies on sales for revenue, but it brings its own set of challenges. How can you set achievable goals? How can you streamline sales processes? How can you improve employee engagement? What motivates your employees?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Better use of time. Giving your staff access to training courses to do in their spare time at work is more efficient than having all managers block out hours at the same time to attend meetings or seminars.
  • More resource efficient. Without the need for in-person trainers, meeting rooms, printouts and other resources, online sales training is less costly than in-person alternatives.

This course is made for:

  • All Staff Within An Organisation
  • Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Executives
  • Assistants
  • Officers
  • Secretaries


  • Component 1: Starting Out
  •  Housekeeping matters and administration
  •  Pre-Assignment Assessment
  •  program Objectives
  •  The Parking Area
  •  activity Plan
  • Component 2: Making A Motivational Environment
  •  Frequent Team Check-Ins
  • Train Your Team
  • Emulate Best methods
  • 1 Size Does Not Fit All!


  • Component 3: Communicate to inspire
  • Regular Group Meetings
  • Regular 1 on 1 Meetings
  •  Concentrate On Strengths as well as Development Areas
  • Ask for suggestions
  • Component 4: Train Your Team
  •  Concentrate On Training as well as Development
  • Peer Training
  • Mentoring
  • Keep the Focus Positive!


  • Component 5: Emulate Best methods
  • Look to Industry Leaders
  • Solicit Team Member Suggestions
  • Take a Field Trip!
  • Leverage Outside Expertise
  • Component 6: supply Tools
  • The Right Tools
  • Ask Team Members Exactly What Tools They Need
  • supply High Quality Tools
  • Allow for Training


  • Component 7: Find Out Exactly What Motivates staff members
  • 1 Size Does Not Fit All
  • Find Exactly What Motivates Individuals
  • Find Exactly What Motivates the Team
  • Tailor Rewards to staff members
  • Component8: Tailor Rewards to the worker
  •  Motivation is Personal!
  • Choose 1-3 Motivators
  • worker Personal Objectives
  •  Reward Achievements


  • Component 9: Create Team Incentives
  • Incentives Foster Teamwork
  •  Team Objectives
  • Choose 1-3 Motivators
  • Reward Achievements
  • Component 10: Implement Incentives
  • Regular Incentives
  • Mark Milestones
  • Encourage Friendly Competition
  •  Keep Value Reasonable
  • Training Example
  • Component 11: understand Achievements
  • Recognition Motivates!
  • understand Achievements Regularly
  • understand Achievements Publicly
  • Document Achievements
  • Training Example
  • Component 12: Concluding
  • Wise Mens words
  • Assessment Of The Parking Area
  • Key Learnings
  • Further reading
  • Evaluations as well as Completion Of activity Plans
Training Subject
Training Location