Mobile Lifting Equipment Operation and Maintenance





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11 Feb
- 15 Feb 2024

5 Days



11 Aug
- 15 Aug 2024

5 Days



20 May
- 24 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


3 Nov
- 7 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This course will added value that Mobile Lifting Equipment Operation and Maintenance can offer to support engineers and technicians working in heavy transportation and lifting, petroleum industries, and construction projects. It will show how to safely use such equipment economically, safely and environment friendly.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Apply a standard inspection procedure on truck cranes and write the relevant report
  • List the types and applications of mobile lift equipment including forklifts and mobile cranes
  • Describe the principle of operation of various stability monitoring systems used in modern forklifts and truck cranes
  • Outline the basics of lifting equipment safety
  • Inspect the lifting tackles including wire ropes, synthetic slings, clips, hooks, sockets, eyebolts, and hoist rings
  • List and explain the application of forklift attachments and the lifting tackles
  • Explain how to maintain the forklifts and truck cranes
  • Outline the types and applications of mobile lifting equipment
  • Discuss the issues of forklifts and truck cranes stability

This course is made for 

  • Mobile Cranes Maintenance Engineers and Technicians
  • Mobile Cranes Inspectors
  • Mobile Cranes Operators
  • Load Lifting Engineers and Supervisors
  • Load Lifting Safety Engineers and Professionals

Day One

Load Lifting Equipment Basics

  • Load Lifting Safety Standards
  • Load Lifting Certification
  • Load Lifting Basics: Preparatory work and calculations – selection of equipment and lifting tackles – load hitching – loads hanging – load moving and signalling – Load positioning or stacking
  • Qualifications and Skills of Lifting Equipment Operators

Day Two

Lifting Tackles

  • Wire Ropes
    • Types and Classification – Construction – Grades – Lays – Safety factor – Sizing – Aging – Maintenance – Safety precautions – Inspection
  • Rigging Slings
    • Working Load Limit (WLL) – Hitches (Single – Bridle – Basket – Choker – Applications) – Synthetic slings (Types – Grades – Applications) – Sling Tables and Sling Leg Load – Unequal Sling Lengths and Centre of Gravity – Sling Shock Load
  • Clips and Schackles
    • Standards – Wire Rope Clips Types (U bolt – fist grip) – Clips Number and Installation – Types of Schackles (Screw Anchor – Chain Anchor – Schackle Rules – Schackles for Synthetic Slings)
  • Hooks
    • Standards – Hooks Loading – Load Limit – Types (Wide Schackle – Sizes – Material – Grade)
  • Sockets
    • Types: Headache Ball – Wedge – Applications
  • Eye Bolts and Hoist Rings
    • Working Load – Types – Alignment – Applications

Day Three

Forklift Operation and Maintenance

  • Forklift Types (Stand up rider – Sit down rider – Motorized hand pallet jack – Rough terrain)
  • Forklift Layout and Components
  • Forklift Stability and Modern Stability Monitoring Systems
  • Forklift Operating Hazards
  • Forklift Operations (Pre-operation checks – Picking up the load – Travelling with load – load placement – Moving on ramps – Crossing railroads – Parking)
  • Forklift Hazards
  • Forklift Attachments (Side shifters – carton clamp – Drum rotator – Paper roll clamp – bar arm clamp – pallet handler – Pull and push)
  • Forklift Safety Standards

Day Four

Mobile Truck Cranes

  • Types of Mobile Crane
    • Telescopic Boom (Rough terrain – Carry deck – Pick& carry – Carrier mounted – Crawler – Truck mounted)
    • Lattice Boom (Carrier mounted – Crawler – Truck mounted – Long reach)
  • Mobile Crane Identification
  • Mobile Crane Layout and Components
  • Load Charts
  • Reeving Load Blocks
  • Mobile Crane Stability and Operation Quadrants
  • Mobile Crane Operation
    • Pre-lift Operations (Selection of proper crane – Critical lift criteria and preparation Boom length & radius & angle – Ground bearing capacity checking – Load and Rigging – Environment conditions – Selection of operator and signalling person – Lift plan checklist – Lift plan drawing – Site preparation)
    • Safe Operating Procedure (crane levelling – load rigging – load lifting – load moving – load positioning)
    • Data Hazard Sheet
    • Safety Systems

Day Five

Maintenance and Inspection of Mobile Lifting Equipment

  • Mobile Cranes Maintenance
    • Basics of Mechanical Maintenance
    • Pre-delivery Maintenance of Mobile Cranes
    • In-service Maintenance Intervals and Operations
    • Maintenance Personnel Qualification and Skills
    • Maintenance Information and Records
  • Inspection
    • Crane Data
    • Crane Manual and Records
    • Pre-inspection Operations
    • Crane Set-up
    • Load Charts
    • Crane Inspection Components
    • Assessment of Crane Condition
Training Subject
Training Location