Pumps Operation, Maintenance and Trouble Shooting





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8 Jan
- 12 Jan 2024

5 Days



15 Jul
- 19 Jul 2024

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15 Apr
- 19 Apr 2024

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30 Sep
- 4 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Pumps are at the heart of most industrial processes, Because they are so common, pumps are often overlooked as a potential source of improved productivity, or a cause of excess costs if not operated properly.

In this course we will introduce delegates to different types of pumps, , their associated equipment, such as bearings, seals, filters, separators, etc. we will focus on the start-up and operation of these machines and their optimal diagnostics and troubleshooting techniques. will also enhance the technical knowledge of the operation and maintenance staff to build confidence level in start-up, follow-up, shut down and troubleshooting,  it will cover the efficient and trouble-free operation of pumps with their ability to control the main operational parameters and will include an emphasis on physical principles and clear technical reasoning.

Also in this course we will talk bout how to operate pumps properly and the
performance parameters that need to be monitored in a preventive or predictive monitoring program. describes continuous monitoring systems, with several case studies on how they can be applied to improve system performance and reduce maintenance costs.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of pump.
  • Understand different types of pumps
  • Familiarize with the fundamentals of pumps
  • Monitor pump reliability, availability and cost-effectiveness
  • Know how to measure and control of performance and efficiency of these machines
  • Explain the functions and principles of operation of each of the major components of these machines and systems components
  • Understand the principles of pump, start-up procedures and to introduce standard operating procedures for the package
  • Know the procedure of how to maintain and inspect the pumps to improve skills in executing activities in a safe and right manner
  • Know how to inspect and diagnose the root cause of the problems
  • Learn troubleshooting techniques for operational problems of pumps.
  • Learn the recommended operating procedures
  • Develop skills in troubleshooting
  • Acquire knowledge of repair, inspection, and diagnosis
  • Explore systems maintenance procedures
  • Follow-up key performance variables and means to monitor
  • Evaluate turbine performance parameters during start-up and normal operation

This course is made for 

  • Supervisors
  • Operators
  • Technical Personnel in Charge of Operations and Maintenance
  • Engineering Personnel
  • Maintenance and Operation Engineers
Day One

Pump Introduction

  • Hydraulics – A Few Basics
  • Vapor Pressure
  • Pump Classification

Day Two

Basics of Centrifugal Pump

  • Centrifugal Pump Basics
  • Principle of Operation,
  • Pump Classifications
  • Mixed Flow Pumps
  • Axial Flow Pumps
  • Low-pressure & High-pressure pumps
  • Single-suction & Double-suction pumps
  • Single-stage and Multi-stage pumps
  • Volute & Diffuser pumps
  • Closed impeller, open, impeller or Semi-open impeller
  • Casing Construction (Radially Split, Axially Split, Double Casing)
  • Impeller Shrouds (Open, Partially Open, Closed)
  • Shaft Position (Horizontal, Vertical)
  • Wear Ring Running Clearances
  • Pump Bearings
  • Antifriction bearings
  • Journal bearings
  • Range of applications
  • Lubrication of bearings
Day Three
OperationsPumps Operation Procedures

  • Operating conditions
  • Pump curve against piping system curve
  • System curve calculation
  • NPSH available and required
  • Suction system configurations
  • NPSH measurement
  • Normal operating range
  • Best operating condition
  • The minimum flow rate limit
  • The maximum capacity limit
  • Off-design operation
  • Operation difficulties

Day Four

Trouble Shooting & Maintenance of Pumps

Pump Troubleshooting

  • Pump Installation, Startup and Operation Guidelines
  • Pump Inspection and Performance Control
  • Pump Maintenance Based on Daily Observations of Pump Operation,
  • Diagnoses of Pump Troubles and Records of Inspections and Repairs
  • Control of Lubrication System
  • Mechanical Seals, Bearings and Couplings
  • Vibration Control and Analysis
  • Cavitation in pumps
  • Net Positive Suction Head
    • Available against required NPSH
    • Symptoms of cavitation
    • Effects of Cavitations
    • Avoidance of cavitation
  • Water Hammer Problems and Troubleshooting
  • General Troubleshooting Checklist
  • Shaft deflection
    • Critical speed and shaft deflection
    • Parameters affecting shaft deflection
    • Effects of shaft deflection on Mechanical seals and Bearings

Day Five

Failure or Deviation Symptoms

  • Pump does not deliver
  • Insufficient capacity delivered
  • Insufficient discharge pressure developed
  • Pump loses prime after starting
  • Pump requires excessive power
  • Stuffing box / mechanical seal leak excessively
  • Packing / mechanical seal has short life
  • Pump vibrates or noisy
  • Bearing have short life
  • Pump overheats and seizes
Training Subject
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