Mechanical Failure Analysis





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15 Jan
- 19 Jan 2024

5 Days



8 Jul
- 12 Jul 2024

5 Days



22 Apr
- 26 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


7 Oct
- 11 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Mechanical equipment and systems in handle a variety of hazardous or even lethal substances that may also be corrosive. Many operate at high temperatures and pressures and are subjected to service conditions that could cause degradation and damage to the equipment, and if such damage is not detected and assessed in a timely manner, it could result in catastrophic failures with potentially enormous consequential losses of life and assets. on other hand the Mechanical failures are the cause of ceasing a production and thus ought to be eliminated through the intervention of maintenance.  It is vital to correctly grasp the concept of failures.  Mechanical failure analysis introduces the causes of the failures, which need to be corrected for efficient production.

This course designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice of failure analysis. and inspect the mechanical equipment and systems with the view to detect any damage, characterize it, and assess its impact on the equipment integrity, in addition to Fitness-for-Service assessments.
Also to provide the participants with a clear understanding of Materials Selection and the degradation mechanisms that mechanical equipment could be subjected to over their operating life, how to identify them, predict and determine their impact, and what appropriate measures can be taken to prevent and control the resultant damage. AND will include possible actions necessary for retaining a system, or restoring to it, a serviceable condition, include servicing, repair, modification, overhaul, inspection and condition verification. This increases the availability of the system and help to keep system’s equipment in working order.

This course is also designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice of failure analysis.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understanding the service and maintenance requirements for machine failures
  • Learning failure modes and designing fail-safe systems
  • Familiarizing with mechanical failure analysis
  • Provide participants with the main failure mechanisms of equipment
  • Introduce materials types and selection
  • Attempt to maximize and customer satisfaction and performance of production equipment efficiently and, regularly, through high utilization of facility and adjusted and serviced equipment.
  • Prevent breakdown or failures and minimize frequency and severity of interruptions.
  • Keep equipment safe and prevent safety hazards
  • Maximize useful life of equipment and minimize production loss from failures.
  • Increase reliability of the operating systems

This course is made for 

  • Mechanical engineers
  • Mechanical and electrical technicians
  • Service personnel and managers
  • who need to be familiarized with failure modes of mechanical equipment and the understand the methods of implementing fault finding methods and maintenance strategies and relating them to mechanical systems and equipment.

Day One

  • Introduction to failure analyses
  • Objectives of failure analyses
  • Classified material and selection criteria
  • Mechanical properties
  • Causes of failure

Day Two

  • Mechanism /modes of failure:
  • Overload & single load
  • Buckling
  • Impact
  • Fracture (brittle &ductile)
  • Methods of failure analyses:
  • Tensile test
  • Impact test
  • Phases of failure analysis &general principle of failure analysis
  • Case study

Day Three

  • Dynamic failure modes
  • Fatigue
  • Creep
  • Wear
  • Corrosion

Day Four

  • Crack growth
  • Failure rate
  • Hazard analysis
  • Impact testing
  • Fatigue testing

Day Five

  • Failure testing
  • Improving fatigue life
  • Improving creep life
  • Structural examples
  • Bearing example


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