Measuring and Managing Customer Satisfaction





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4 Feb
- 8 Feb 2024

5 Days



4 Aug
- 8 Aug 2024

5 Days



13 May
- 17 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


27 Oct
- 31 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Measuring and managing customer satisfaction is the key to retaining existing customers, you need to quantify measure and track customer satisfaction. You have to ensure that your customers are happy. To remain competitive and reduce churn companies are trying to retain their existing customers by improving their customer satisfaction quotient rather than spending additional resources to gain new customers. ISO 9001 standards helps an organization give its customers the confidence that they are buying their products from a company that makes quality and customer service a high priority. The main purpose of this Customer Service training course is to focus on Measuring and Managing Customer Satisfaction is to provide delegates with an understanding of the key terms, definitions, and requirements of ISO 9001 and how the standard can help their organizations increase customer satisfaction.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Apply the application of quality management principles in the context of ISO 9001
  • Create employee “buy-in” to the company’s ISO 9001 quality management system
  • Relate quality management practices to improve customer service satisfaction
  • Describe the responsibilities of internal auditors and their role in improving management systems
  • Explain the key concepts of Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement
  • Set SMART objectives to measure, assess and improve customer satisfaction

This course is made for

  • Customer Service Managers
  • Brand Managers
  • Quality Assurance Managers
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Business Excellence officers
  • Sales and Marketing Supervisors

Day One 

Building a ISO 9001 Customer-Focused Communication Process

  • What is ISO 9001?
  • Understanding the Key Components of ISO 9001
  • Identifying Customer Communication Barriers
  • Active Listening and Questioning Skills to Improve Customer Relations
  • Interpreting your Customer’s Nonverbal Communication
  • How to determine your DISC communication style?

Day Two 

Principles of ISO 9001 and Total Quality Management “TQM”

  • The Origin and Philosophy behind TQM
  • ISO 9001 8 Principles
  • Deming’s Fourteen Points of TQM
  • Traditional Management vs. Total Quality Management
  • Obstacles to Implementing TQM

Day Three

Customer Service Satisfaction Requirements

  • What do your customers expect from you?
  • Going the Extra Mile to exceed Expectations
  • Your Attitude makes a Difference
  • Measuring and Monitoring Customer Satisfaction
  • Empowering Employees to Better Serve their Customers
  • Customer Service Satisfaction Survey

Day Four

Customer Service Recovery Strategies

  • The Importance of Customer Complaints and Why they should be encouraged
  • The Impact of Social Media on Customer Service Complaints
  • The Role of the Supervisor in Conflict Resolution
  • Techniques for Managing Emotions
  • Strategies to Help Calm Upset Customers
  • Service Recovery Strategies for Working with Difficult Customers

Day Five

Implementing an ISO 9001 System

  • Role of Top Management in ISO 9001
  • Plan-Do-Check-Act Methodology
  • Internal Audit Purpose and Process
  • Internal Audit Elements
  • Setting SMART Goals for Continuous Improvement
  • Developing your ISO 9001 Action Plan

N.B: Exam fees are not included

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