Mastering Innovation: From Idea to Value Creation





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18 Feb
- 22 Feb 2024

5 Days



18 Aug
- 22 Aug 2024

5 Days



27 May
- 31 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


10 Nov
- 14 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Companies climb the ladder of success through comprehensive planning and continuous re-evaluation of their business models. By identifying customer needs and quickly adapting their business to meet their needs, Amazon, Uber and Netflix have demonstrated the power of innovation and business agility. This course covers understanding how to approach innovation as a process, which must be managed and turned into an engine of profits, growth and success.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the competitive dynamics of technology
  • Acquire relevant tools and principles to effectively manage the creation and selection of exceptional opportunities, and
  • discover how to direct these opportunities to meet strategic business needs
  • Identify future threats to continued growth
  • Improve creative problem-solving skills and develop these skills throughout the organization
  • Identify the patterns that make up disruptive innovation
  • Create strategic opportunities that outperform the competition
  • Develop a system and environment that drives innovation across business cycles
  • Inspire and improve a culture of innovation throughout your organization

This course is made for 

  • Business Men
  • Business Unit Managers
  • Business Development consultants
  • Marketing Consultants
  • Marketing Development Managers
  • General Managers
  • Leaders


Day One 

The W’s of Innovation

  • Introduction
  • Difference of idea, invention and innovation
  • Sources of innovation
  • Key factors of innovation

Day Two 

Choosing Your Innovation Strategy

  • Types of innovation
  • Innovation classified impact
  • Technological disruption

Day Three

Open Innovation

  • Organization for innovation
  • Nurture innovation mindset
  • Making innovation an iterative and sustainable system
  • Engage the entire company

Day Four 

Instructors vs. Colonizers

  • Four factors to make or break an innovation program
  • Challenge four criteria teams
  • Innovation leaders and communication style for innovation strategy
  • Roles and competencies critical to the innovation process

Day Five 

Building a culture of innovation

  • Generating ideas and divergent thinking
  • Design thinking and its application in organizations
  • Rapid validation of ideas and lean innovation
Training Subject
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