Mastering Blockchain: Exploring Future of Blockchain Technology





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12 Feb
- 16 Feb 2024

5 Days



12 Aug
- 16 Aug 2024

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26 May
- 30 May 2024

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4 Nov
- 8 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Mastering blockchain technology can be challenging because this technology requires the use of decentralized consensus to maintain the network. This course covers applications of blockchain technology and new developments for global companies with their blockchain business.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand of the relevant concept of blockchain technology and the bitcoin blockchain protocol
  • Identify the main applications of blockchain technology
  • Learn the concepts behind cryptocurrency.
  • Learn the latest global trends in blockchain

This course is made for 

  • Business Men
  • Business Unit Managers
  • Business Development consultants
  • Marketing Consultants
  • Marketing Development Managers
  • General Managers
  • Leaders


Day One 

Exploring Blockchain Technology

  • Types of  block chains
  • Bitcoin Blockchain Protocol
  • Checking and counting of disallowed blockchains
  • Blockchain technology applications
  • Explore smart contracts
  • Usage of smart contracts in business
  • Challenges in smart contract deployment

Cryptography Basics

  • Secure messages with private key encryption
  • Secure messages with the public key
  • Verify the origin of messages with digital signatures

Day Two 

Digital Ledger

  • Overview
  • Blockchain basics
  • Bitcoin mechanics
  • Other applications of blockchain

Introduction to Ethereum

  • Ethereum overview
  • Ethereum process
  • Ethereum network
  • Ethereum virtual machine
  • Transactions and their types
  • Gas – transaction fees and incentives
  • The structure and formation of the blockchain
  • Mining and compatibility
  • Smart contracts
  • Consensus – PoW

Day Three

Types of blockchains

  • Restriction of public blockchains
  • Private and Consortium Blockchain
  • Benefits of Private Blockchain
  • Quorum overview
  • Components of the quorum structure
  • Quorum transaction processing and privacy
  • Unanimous quorum Q Explanation Tawaf
  • Security and network permission
  • Quorum setting
  • Develop using quorum
  • Operation of a quorum contract
  • Development of a smart contract
  • Run permission
  • API spotter
  • Key Corda Concepts

Day Four 

New Generation Technology and Blockchain Transformation

  • New developments in Blockchain technologies
  • Case study and analysis: EOS
  • Building application on EOS
  • Case study and analysis: Auxledger
  • Interoperability and customization with Auxledger
  • Blockchain integration with other technologies: IoT, AIML, and BigData
  • Process privilege and debugging requirements

Day Five 

Global Trends in the Use of Blockchain

  • Blockchain, banking and financial services
  • Blockchain and the healthcare industry
  • Blockchain and the supply chain industry
  • Blockchain and identity
  • Blockchain industry and utilities
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