Market Research And Intelligence





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19 Feb
- 23 Feb 2024

3 Days



7 Jul
- 11 Jul 2024

3 Days



6 May
- 10 May 2024

3 Days

Virtual Online


10 Nov
- 14 Nov 2024

3 Days

Virtual Online


The key to enduring success for an organisation is to understand this and to have robust methodologies in place to capture, understand and then commercialize this.  This is the role of Market Research and Market Intelligence.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the many different types of getting customer feedback and know how to devise a robust research campaign that yields valuable insights
  • Analyze current trends within your marketplace and devise strategies to meet them.
  • Understand how to use Market Intelligence to support and achieve Marketing objectives
  • Get valuable insights into the customer’s mind for proposition building

This course is made for:

  • Marketing Directors,
  • Marketing Managers,
  • Brand Managers,
  • Business Owners,
  • Market Research,
  • Intelligence Professionals,
  • Customer Relationship Managers,
  • Sales Managers,
  • Brand Managers,
  • Business Owners.

Day One:

  • Benefits of Encouraging Customer Feedback
  • Listening and Questioning Skills Development
  • How to Give and Receive Constructive Customer Feedback
  • Interpreting Your Customer’s Nonverbal Communication Gestures
  • 4 Ps of the Marketing Mix
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Market Segmentation Strategies
  • Social Media Marketing Principles
  • Benefits of Market Research
  • Types of Market Research
  • Market Research Best Practices

Day Two:

  • Types of Market Intelligence
  • Benchmarking the Competition
  • Converting Data into Market Intelligence
  • Data Analysis to Identify Trends
  • Identifying Internal and External Customer Expectations
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Going the Extra Mile

Day Three:

  • Setting Marketing Goals for Continuous Improvement
  • Stakeholder Change Management Strategies
  • How to Turn Marketing Research into Action


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