Leading Digital Transformation and Innovation





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5 Feb
- 9 Feb 2024

5 Days



5 Aug
- 8 Aug 2024

5 Days



19 May
- 23 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


28 Oct
- 1 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Digital technologies have broader implications for value creation and value capture than simply providing new opportunities for innovators and entrepreneurs. This course covers understanding the drivers of digital disruption from scratch.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the underlying strategic drivers of digital disruption in your industry
  • Improve innovative abilities to generate more ideas
  • Examine the organizational and team competencies
  • Create more innovative and concrete plans

This course is made for 

  • Business Men
  • Business Unit Managers
  • Business Development consultants
  • Marketing Consultants
  • Marketing Development Managers
  • General Managers
  • Leaders

Day One 


  • Transformation overview
  • Transformation is key to THRIVE
  • The digital economy
  • Transformation versus change
  • Digital and transformation mindsets
  • Dual-speed transformation
  • Problems with transformation
  • Digital opportunity
  • From digitized to dematerialized
  • The threat of disruption Transformation readiness
  • A tale of two transformations
  • Transformation icebergs
  • Size matters


  • Introduction
  • Transformation leadership
  • Competitive strategy
  • Business models
  • Business ecosystems
  • Corporate culture
  • Organizational structure
  • Customer expectations
  • Transformation execution
  • Transformation management capabilities
  • Innovation capabilities
  • Technical capabilities
  • 360° Governance
  • 360° Risk

Day Two


  • Response is key to THRIVE
  • Response overview
  • Strategic response
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Offensive responses
  • Defensive responses
  • Digital business response
  • Digital business models
  • Platform perspective
  • Responding at speed
  • Internal response


  • Innovation is key to THRIVE
  • Innovation overview
  • Innovation excellence
  • Customer centricity
  • Products and services
  • Operations and workforce
  • Business model innovation
  • Digital use cases
  • Platforms
  • App Clouds
  • SMAC stack
  • Internet of Everything
  • Emerging technologies
  • Innovation funding
  • Innovation culture and process
  • Measuring innovation

Day Three


  • Why Value is key to THRIVE
  • Value overview
  • Internal and external value
  • Customer value overview
  • Price value
  • Platform value
  • Experience value Internal value
  • Operational value
  • Workforce value
  • Marketing value
  • Stakeholder Value
  • Value management
  • Intangible value
  • Benefits realization
  • Business cases
  • Offering value

Day Four


  • Why Enterprise is key to THRIVE
  • Enterprise overview
  • Transformation leaders
  • Technology leaders
  • Leadership PQ
  • Transformation governance
  • Transformation enablers
  • Transformation management
  • Portfolio management
  • Program management
  • Project management
  • Agile advantage
  • Organizational change management
  • Business process management
  • Technology management

Day Five 


  • Understand the THRIVE roadmap
  • Roadmap overview
  • Align leadership mindsets
  • Analyze the market
  • Establish response strategies
  • Activate transformation readiness
  • Innovate strategically
  •  Digital use cases
  • Business cases
  • Define portfolio, process & governance
  • Plan, execute & manage transformation
Training Subject
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