Leadership & Management Masterclass





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14 Jan
- 18 Jan 2024

5 Days



14 Jul
- 18 Jul 2024

5 Days



This course is a comprehensive development course that addresses the essential skills, qualities and characteristics of both leadership and management. This leadership and management course will cover all aspects of leadership and management with a main focus on the human aspect of leading and managing people.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the skills required for contemporary management and how to apply them
  • Understand the role of the modern leader in its many forms
  • Discover and practice different leadership styles such as coaching
  • Understand the need for motivation and how to apply it to oneself, individuals and teams
  • Developing lasting human relationships to benefit business performance
  • Acquire and use workplace skills to manage people more effectively

This course is made for:

  • Senior Leaders,
  • Aspiring Leaders,
  • Senior Manager,
  • Team Leaders,
  • Workplace Leaders,
  • HR Professionals,
  • Senior Technical Heads,
  • Project Managers

Day One:

Managing Myself as a Leader

  • Importance of Perception
  • Intrapersonal & Interpersonal Skills For The Leader
  • Your preferred Behavioral Style
  • Understanding The Model For Leadership
  • Removing Emotional Blind-Spots

Leading a Team

  • Dealing with others
  • Understanding The Stages of Human Development
  • Optimizing The Leader’s Natural Strengths
  • Understanding Team Processes
  • Building Effective Teams

Day Two:

Innovative Leadership

  • Openness to Innovative Ideas
  • Divergent Thinking Skills
  • Removing Blocks to Creativity
  • Understanding The Creative Process
  • Metaphors and Analogies For Innovative Thinking

Communication For Leaders

  • The Positive Influence of Listening
  • Sharpening Your Listening Skills
  • Body Language
  • Inspiring and Guiding Others
  • Handling Stress Appropriately

Day Three:

Imparting Leadership Values

  • Leading by Example
  • Resilience For Sacrificial Leadership
  • Intentional For Self-Motivation
  • Interpersonal Connections For Persuasive Leadership
  • Integrity For Accountable Leadership

The Manager as a Strategist

  • The Changing Reality of Organizational Life
  • New Challenges and Roles of the Surviving Manager
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • The Challenges of Motivating Employees
  • Strategic Performance Drivers of an Effective Organization
  • The Difference between Leading and Managing
  • Creating a Compelling Strategic Vision
  • The Power of Living the Values

Day Four:

The Manager as a Coach

  • Personal Leadership Styles
  • Creating a Personal Legacy
  • Case Study – Leadership: The Art of Possibilities
  • The Value of Good Relationships
  • The Impact of Expectations on Performance
  • Engaging Employees on Setting Stretch Goals
  • Effective Coaching Meetings
  • Creating Individualized Learning Plans

The Manager as the Project Team Facilitator

  • Meetings: The #1 Time Waster
  • Reducing Meeting Times by 50% and more
  • The Role of the Facilitator
  • The 5 Types of Meetings
  • Creating an Agenda that Focuses Process and Content
  • Dealing with Dysfunctional Meeting Behaviors
  • Encouraging Creativity and Innovation
  • Ensuring that Accountability is Clear and Actions are Followed-Up

Day Five:

The Manager as Team Leader

  • Teamwork Best Practices
  • Creating a High-Performance Team
  • Empowerment and its Link to Performance
  • Team Decision Making: When and How to Achieve a Consensus
  • Performance Measurement
  • The 4 Stages of Team Development
  • Team-Building Techniques
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Recognition and Reward

The Manager as Change Agent

  • The Challenge of Personal Change
  • Six Typical Reaction to Change
  • The Top Attributes of Change Agents
  • Influencing Upward
  • Six Sources of Power
  • The Importance of Humility
  • The Secrets of Assertiveness
  • When to seek help
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