Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence





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4 Feb
- 8 Feb 2024

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- 8 Aug 2024

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- 17 May 2024

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27 Oct
- 31 Oct 2024

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are playing a big role in industries. To get the biggest benefits, companies should consider putting these technologies together into their processes and products. This course covers the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning and delves into their benefits and uses in the enterprise.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Learn  concept and ideas for machine learning
  • Learn concept and ideas for artificial intelligence
  • Learn Python and Jupiter
  • Understand algorithm
  • Understand predictive models
  • Apply machine learning
  • Understand recommendation systems
  • Deal with data in the real world
  • Understand testing and experimental design

This course is made for 

  • Business Men
  • Business Unit Managers
  • Business Development consultants
  • Marketing Consultants
  • Marketing Development Managers
  • General Managers
  • Leaders

Day One 

The Business of AI Adoption

  • Introduction
  • Trust problem
  • The business is developing
  • Driverless transportation
  • Confidence and device
  • The trust gap between man and smart machine
  • Trust in a smart machine
  • Trust the smart machine developer

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Artificial intelligence overview
  • AI application
  • AI and machine learning
  • Pattern recognition
  • Supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Structured and unstructured data
  •  Industry and industrial analytics

Day Two 

Machine Learning

  • Machine learning overview
  • Model types
  • Deep neural network
  • Recurrent neural network or long short-term memory network
  • Support vector machines
  • Random forest or decision trees
  • Self-organizing maps (SOM)
  • Bayesian network and ontology
  • Training and evaluation of the model
  • The role of domain knowledge
  • Optimization using a model


  • Installing a Python Data Science Environment
  • Using and understanding iPython (Jupyter) Notebooks
  • Python basics
  • Understanding Python code
  • Importing modules
  • Running Python scripts

Statistics and Probability

  • Types of data
  • Mean, median, and mode
  • Standard deviation and variance
  • Probability density function
  • Probability mass function
  • Types of data distributions
  • Percentiles and moments

Day Three

Matplotlib and Advanced Probability Concepts

  • A crash course in Matplotlib
  • Covariance and correlation
  • Conditional probability
  • Bayes’ theorem

Algorithm Overview

  • Data Prep
  • Linear Algorithms
  • Non-Linear Algorithms
  • Ensembles

Predictive Models

  • Linear regression
  • Polynomial regression
  • Multivariate regression and predicting car prices
  • Multi-level models

Applied Machine Learning with Python

  • Machine learning training
  • Machine learning testing
  • Prevent hyper-polynomial regression
  • Bayesian Methods
  • Implementing the Spam Classifier with Naïve Bayes
  • K- means cluster

Day Four 

Recommender Systems

  • Introduction
  • Item-based collaborative filtering
  • Item-based collaborative Process
  • Finding movie similarities
  • Improving the results of movie similarities
  • Making movie recommendations
  • Improving the recommendation results

Machine Learning Techniques

  • K-nearest neighbors
  • KNN and  predict a rating for a movie
  • Dimensionality reduction and principal component analysis
  • Data warehousing overview
  • Reinforcement learning

Dealing with Data in the Real World

  • Bias and variance trade-off
  • K-fold cross-validation
  • Data cleaning and normalization
  • Cleaning web log data
  • Normalizing numerical data
  • Detecting outliers

Day Five

Apache Spark: Machine Learning on Big Data

  • Installing Spark
  • Spark introduction
  • Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD)
  • MLlib introduction
  • Decision Trees in Spark with MLlib
  • K-Means Clustering in Spark
  • TF-IDF
  • Searching wikipedia with Spark MLlib

Testing and Experimental Design

  • A and B testing concepts
  • T-test and p-value
  • Measuring t-statistics and p-values using Python
  • Determining  runtime  for experiment
  • A and B test gotchas


  • Build a UI for your Models
  • Build a REST API for your Models
Training Subject
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