Introduction To Kubernetes Using Docker





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5 Feb
- 9 Feb 2024

5 Days



5 Aug
- 9 Aug 2024

5 Days



Docker and Kubernetes are changing the way you build, ship, and manage your applications. In this course, Docker and Kubernetes: The Big Picture, you will learn the fundamentals of Docker and Kubernetes. First, you will learn the basics of what a container is and how it enables cloud-native application designs.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Learn what is container orchestration
  • Learn how to install Docker from scratch
  • Install a Kubernetes cluster from scratch
  • Create Kubernetes pods, deployments, and services
  • Configure Docker Hub and upload images
  • How to use Docker to run and manage containers

This course is made for:

  • Software Developers,
  • IT Professionals,
  • IT Architects,
  • Operational Engineers.

Day One:


  • Course Introduction
  • Course Setup

Introduction to Microservices

  • Microservices Concepts
  • Microservices Anti Patterns
  • Microservices Advantages and Drawbacks

Day Two:

Welcome to Cloud Native!

  • What are Cloud Native and the Cloud Native Foundation
  • Cloud Native Concepts
  • Cloud Native Hands-On

Introduction to Containers

  • Container Concepts
  • What is Docker?
  • Docker Hands-On
  • Basic Commands
  • Running Containers
  • Building Containers

Day Three:

Visual Studio Code

  • The Docker Extension

Persisting Data

  • Containers are Ephemerous and Stateless
  • Docker Volumes Concepts

Day Four:

Docker Compose

  • Understanding the YAML File Structure
  • Docker Compose Concepts
  • Using Docker Compose
  • Docker Compose Sample App Hands-on

Container Registries

  • Container Registries Concepts
  • Push/Pull Images from Docker Hub

Day Five:

Kubernetes Concepts

  • Kubernetes Concepts
  • How to Run Kubernetes Locally
  • Kubernetes API
  • Using Kubectl Hands-On
  • The Declarative Way vs the Imperative Way

Application Settings

  • ConfigMaps Concepts
  • Secrets Concepts
  • Secrets Hands-On
Training Subject
Training Location