Introduction to ISO27001





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19 May
- 23 May 2024

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8 Dec
- 12 Dec 2024

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12 Feb
- 16 Feb 2024

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11 Aug
- 15 Aug 2024

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The ISO/IEC 27001  or Information Security Management standard, it details the requirements for businesses to securely manage information assets and data to an internationally recognised standard. It provides a robust approach for managing assets such as customer and employee details, intellectual property, financial information and third-party data.

This course  helps employees understand what ISO 27001 is, the auditing process and the importance of UKAS accreditation. It helps businesses comply with legislation such as GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Identify the benefits of accredited certification such as UKAS accreditation
  • Demonstrate understanding of the benefits of ISO certification for your business
  • Appreciate the role of an annual surveillance audit in ongoing certification
  • Gain an understanding of the certification process and how it is implemented
  • Understand how the British Assessment Bureau can support certification
  • Understand the ISO 27001 standard and what ISO 27001 is

This course is made for :

  • All employees within an organization
  • Directors
  • Managers
  • Owners looking to understand the benefits of certification and the processes involved. It allows businesses to assess if ISO 27001 certification is right for their organization.

Day One


  • Discover an overview of ISO 27001, including the origins of the standard and its definition.

Day Two

Benefits of ISO 27001 certification

  • Understand how certification can benefit your organization and learn about the benefits of implementing an ISMS, including ensuring compliance with the GDPR and data protection regulations.

Day Three


  • Learn how UKAS accreditation helps organizations demonstrate ISO certification, supporting access to tenders and qualifying as a preferred contractor.

Day Four

Certification process

  • Understand how the certification process works, what your organization will need to do and an overview of building an ISMS.

Day Five

British Assessment Bureau support

  • Learn about ISO certification success stories from other businesses

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