Introduction to Business Administration





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11 Feb
- 15 Feb 2024

5 Days



11 Aug
- 15 Aug 2024

5 Days



20 May
- 24 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


3 Nov
- 7 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


Business administration is a broad field that includes many different professional settings and opportunities for growth. Simply, business administration is the work of managing an organization’s resources, time and people. Business administration professionals work to ensure that businesses and organizations are run effectively and profitably. This is a balancing act that needs knowledge and skills in a range of disciplines.

This course introduces participants to the principles of Business Administration. It illustrates the factors that lead towards successful administration of a business, and the leadership skills and behaviors necessary for achieving organizational goals and objectives. It is designed to examine modern management challenges organizations face and provides an explanation of various types of planning and decision-making tools that can aid in attaining success.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the nature of management
  • Explain management functions, roles and responsibilities
  • Explain human behavior and the elements that influence employee behavior
  • Identify the theories of motivation and establish strategies to motivate and build staff morale in the organization
  • Discuss the impact of specific leadership styles and their effect on morale.
  • Explain the communication process in the workplace
  • Illustrate the steps of decision making and the benefits of group decision making versus individual decision making.
  • Develop and implement successful people management strategies relating to firm’s culture and change, decision making, objective setting, organizational efficiency and effectiveness

This course is made for:

  • Sales and Marketing staff
  • Management students
  • Senior management level
  • Brand manager
  • Commercial excellence officers
  • Business owners


  • Introduction to Business administration
  • Technologies in business administration
  • Entrepreneurship


  • Accounting and Finance
  • Marketing
  • Sales process and Objective


  • Project management
  • Leadership
  • Ethics in business


  • International business
  • Nonprofitable business administration
  • Career track for business degrees


  • Human resource management
  • Influence, Communicate and Organizing
  • Planning and Decision making
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