Integration of Solar and Wind into a Smart Grid





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4 Feb
- 8 Feb 2024

5 Days



11 Aug
- 15 Aug 2024

5 Days



13 May
- 17 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


27 Oct
- 31 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Smart grid is a system that would enable the integration of renewable energy sources and shift from reliance on fossil fuels, while maintaining the balance between supply and demand. The key characteristics of smart grid include:

  • Grid optimisation: system reliability and operational efficiency.
  • Distributed generation: not only traditional large power stations, but also individual PV panels, micro-wind, etc.
  • Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI): smart meters.
  • Grid-scale storage.
  • Demand response.
  • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and vehicle to grid (V2G).

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Understand the solar panel standard datasheet different parts.
  • Compare between the mono and poly panel datasheets.
  • Count the panel efficiency and size per 1m2 based on STC and NOCT types of test.
  • Figure out the impact of ambient temp. and radiance on the solar panel and how they effect the panel performance and safety.
  • Know the different circuit wiring methods in order to make your first PV array.
  • Make your first solar array.
  • Calculate your panel max. current and max. series fuse rating and the fundamentals behind that.

This course is made for 

  • Novices who want to explore how to be self-sufficient in their energy needs
  • System owners who intend to upgrade their off grid energy system
  • RV owners who are planning to install a new energy system in their RV or upgrade the existing system
  • Off grid enthusiasts who want to polish their understanding of energy systems and how to operate & configure the systems
  • Cottage owners who current are without an energy system or are planning to upgrade their existing energy system
  • Students who want to have access to a compact and concise source of information on off grid energy systems
  • Boat owners who are planning to install a new energy system in their vessel or upgrade the existing system

Day One

  • Identify the impact of variable renewable energy sources (VRES) and smart energy demand on electrical power grids; and different tools and approaches to design a smart grid.
  • Apply optimal power flow (OPF) solutions to evaluate the performance of an electrical power system with integrated renewable energy sources.
  • Analyze intelligent electrical power system dynamics (frequency stability) to achieve active power balance, and identify control-room technologies for system-wide remote monitoring, protection and risk management of smart grid cyber security.

Day Two

  • Simulate a 9-bus grid, with and without variable renewable resources.
  • Analyze and mitigate the impact of “intelligent” but common grid disturbances in electrical power systems.

Day Three

  • The vital components in an off grid energy systems
  • The correct design principles of energy systems
  • The truth behind inverter generators and what their advantages actually are
  • The reality of lithium ion batteries versus the conventional lead acid batteries

Day Four

  • The actual performance of the different SOLAR CHARGERS and their pro’s and con’s
  • The newest INVERTER technologies available and how they are wired into your system
  • A clear understanding of the different types of BATTERIES and which option is the best for your system
  • How a solar panel actually works, and how to get the highest power output

Day Five

  • The differences between the different technologies available on the market
  • The basic principles on how electricity works
  • The true functioning of alternators and how their performance can be improved
  • The reasons behind power eluctuations and how to mitigate their harmful effects
  • A true understanding of fuses & breakers and how they should protect your system
  • The reasons behind voltage drop and how it really relates to wiring sizes
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