Integrated Quality Management Systems (QMS) and Implementing Hazardous Waste Concepts





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- 12 Nov 2024

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Integrated Quality Management Systems and Implementing Hazardous Waste Concepts refers to various types of contaminants and the new frontiers in eliminating or minimizing these contaminants, the use of effective non-hazardous products in your company and also environmentally acceptable methods of disposal for both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. Upon this course the organisations that its employees received this training, will have less cause for concern of real or potential contamination problems at the plant, and this usually results in improved productivity

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Learn about the various types of contamination and which ones are more applicable to your company
  • Learn about the relevant environmental treaties dealing with contamination and pollution
  • Learn how to prioritize contamination problems in dealing with contamination and waste management issues in a logical sequence
  • Show and emphasize the close relationship between human health and the environment that’s been directly affected by contamination
  • Discussion of the current methodologies for the cleanup of contaminated soil, ground and surface water, air pollution, construction materials and radioactive materials
  • Perform IMS auditing with the skills and methodology acquired
  • Demonstrate the process-based approach in auditing
  • Develop and implement an effective internal audit programme in line with ISO 19011 and the concept of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)

This course is made for

  • Quality Assurance Managers
  • Environmental Managers
  • Health Safety Managers
  • General Managers
  • ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 45001 Implementation Team Members
  • Safety Officers and Quality Directors
  • Regulatory Affairs Managers
  • Management Representatives
  • Internal Auditors
  • Individuals interested in conducting second or third-party audits of EMS and OHSAS management systems.
  • Staff responsible for managing Hazardous Wastes
  • Staff responsible for Contamination Issues
  • Laboratory Technicians

Day One

Brief History of Contamination and Introduction to Hazardous Wastes

  • What is contamination and how does it affect us?
  • A detailed look at all the various types of contamination
  • Global Environmental issues related to contamination
  • International Environmental Treaties and Guidelines related to Contamination
  • The toxic 12 chemicals and the role of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
  • The current watch list for chemicals that soon may be added to the toxic 12
  • Environmental Law and its significance
  • Definition of hazardous Wastes & Non -Hazardous Wastes
  • Connecting the dots between Contamination and Hazardous Wastes
  • Environmental DVD

Day Two

Management of Contamination and Hazardous Wastes

  • Brief review of Day 1 topics
  • The relationship between Contamination and Occupational Health & Safety
  • The importance of documentation in Hazardous Waste Management
  • Some typical Hazardous Waste Regulations and the need for harmonization
  • The purpose of a Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
  • The purpose of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  • Why a Globally Harmonized System (GHS) is essential for WHMIS and MSDS
  • Carrying out a Contamination Audit
  • Managing a Waste Disposal Site
  • Environmental DVD

Day Three

Contamination and Pollution Prevention

  • Review of Day 2 topics
  • Exploration & Production- Refining & Transportation
  • Oil Spills with special reference to the April 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil slick occurrence
  • Modern Tanker design to minimize the occurrence of a major oil spill
  • Other oil related sources of pollution
  • The common thread amongst many third world countries concerning pollution issues
  • The current concepts of Zero Waste (ZW) and Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) and their limitations
  • The Bird Problem- Pollution from bird droppings and dead birds and the latest available technologies to control this problem
  • Environmental DVD

Day Four

Continuation of Contamination and Pollution Prevention Planning and Contingency Planning for Major Incidents

  • Life Cycle Management of all materials being used in a company
  • The 5R’s- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Rethink
  • Detailed requirements for proper storage of hazardous materials
  • The importance of on-going training
  • The importance of regular reviews of emergency plans
  • Updated information on ISO 14001, 18001 and 9001
  • Types of Environmental Audits
  • Discussion of some major preventable accidents

Day Five

Review of the Management and Prevention of Contamination and Hazardous Wastes

  • Review of Day 4 topics
  • HAZID (HAZard IDentification)
  • HAZOP (HAZard & OPerability)
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Examples of Environmental Ethics from the Instructor’s personal experiences
  • Climate Change update and its significance for the Gulf Coast Countries
  • A Complete Course review with some generic recommendations including Greening your Company at a reasonable cost

Day Six

Introduction to QMS Quality Management Systems

  • Quality Management and ISO 9000 Series
  • Quality Systems Certification
  • ISO 9001:2017 in Detail
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd Party Audits
  • Auditing Theory and Practice
  • ISO 19011 Guidelines for Auditing Quality Systems
  • The Assessment Process
  • How to Conduct Opening and Closing Meetings
  • Effective Assessment and Audit Planning
  • Audit Team Selection

Day Seven

Introduction to QMS Quality Management Systems [Continued]

  • Development and use of Audit Check Lists
  • Searching for Evidence of Compliance
  • Psychology of Audit and Assessment
  • Recording and Reporting Audit Results
  • Writing Non-Conformity Statements and Audit Report Writing
  • Evaluating Audit and Assessment Results
  • Audit Close-Out, Follow-Up and Surveillance
  • Roles and Responsibilities

Day Eight

Introduction to ISO 14001 : 2015 Environmental Management System

  • The Background and General Introduction to Environmental Issues
  • The Challenge of Sustainable Development and Strategic Business Drivers
  • The Background to Development of the EMS and the Current Status of 14001
  • Key Elements of the EMS Standard and its Relation to ISO 9001
  • Types of Environmental Audits and Assessments including technical, functional and management systems and relevant terminology and jargon
  • Environmental Legislation (UAE) relevant to Pollution Control via emissions to air, discharge to water and disposal to Land
  • Determination of Environmental Aspects and Methodologies for Establishing Significant Impacts
  • Management Control over Operations and Monitoring of Performance

Day Nine

Transition to ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System

  • The Background and General Introduction to OHS Developments of 45001
  • ISO 45001:2018 Series of Requirements and Changes
  • OHS Legislation and Policy (UAE)
  • OHS Planning and Management Systems
  • OHS Implementation and Control
  • Determination of Hazard Aspects
  • Checking and Corrective Action
  • Methodologies for Establishing Effective Implementation
  • Audit Purpose
  • Difference between the Management System Standards

Day Ten

Integrated Management Systems Concepts [IMS]

  • IMS Concept, Definition and Documentations
  • Integration of System Documentation
  • Methodology Audit Skills of IMS Audit and Compliance
  • Selection of IMS Auditors
  • IMS Auditing (including preparation and reporting)
  • Benefits of IMS

N.B: Exam fees are not included

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