Implementing Supply Chain Security and C-TPAT Requirements





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25 Feb
- 29 Feb 2024

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- 29 Aug 2024

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- 7 Jun 2024

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11 Nov
- 15 Nov 2024

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Implementing Supply Chain Security and C-TPAT Requirements specifies the requirements for a security management system, including critical aspects to ensure supply chain security. Security management is linked to many other aspects of business management. These aspects include all organization-controlled activities that affect or influence supply chain security. These aspects must be clearly considered, where and when they influence security management, including the transport of goods along the supply chain. This training course on Understanding Supply Chain Security and C-TPAT Requirements has been designed to introduce you to the U.S. Customs – Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program, the history of the C-TPAT program and how it benefits an organization’s standing in the international trade arena.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Recognizing the prevention methodologies based on the Standards of TAPA  & C-TPAT
  • The benefits of implementing Supply Chain Security Risk Management Plan
  • Identifying the change of trend in warehousing, transportation, and logistics Security Management
  • Identifying proactive approaches on Supply Chain Security Management – Compliance Program
  • Addressing the challenges of balancing security needs and economic efficiency
  • Developing an effective Risk Management Plan for Supply Chain Security

This course is made for

  • Security & Loss Prevention Personnel
  • Logistics and Warehouse Management Personnel
  • Supply Chain Service Providers
  • Executive Management
  • Sales Managers
  • Senior Managers
  • Head of Departments
  • Brand Managers

Day One 

Introduction to Supply Chain Security Requirements

  • Self-analysis of the Measures in Place at Your Business
  • Study of the Security Manual to be Written
  • Policy Statement, Vision and Corporate Mission
  • Description of Facilities
  • Emergency Measures
  • Physical Security
  • Security Procedures
  • Staff Safety
  • Procedures related to Business Partners
  • Corporate Code of Conduct
  • Training and Awareness

Day Two

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Access Control Policy
  • Documents Policy
  • Sample Documents
  • Discussion of Cases Studies and Solution Templates
  • Study the Features of the ISO 28000 Standard
  • Flowchart of the Security Chain Process
  • Flowchart of the Company’s Internal Security Processes
  • Methodology for Measuring Security Risks and Developing Counter-measures

Day Three

Understanding Risks

  • Methodology for Measuring Security Risks and Developing Counter-measures
  • Table of Supply Chain Risk Scenarios
  • Classification of Consequences
  • The Incident Risk Evaluation Chart

Day Four

C-TPAT Requirements

  • C-TPAT Awareness Training: About C-TPAT Program
  • Explanation on the Certification Requirement
  • On-Site System Review
  • C-TPAT Audit Requirement Training

Day Five

Procedures and Personnel Training

  • Procedural Security
  • Personnel Security
  • Educational and Awareness Training Requirements
  • Documents & Records Control and On-Site Hardware Facility Coaching
  • C-TPAT Gap Analysis Assessment: Documentation Review and Records Checking

N.B: Exam fees are not included

Training Subject
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