HVAC System Utilization, Operation & Effective Maintenance S





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22 Jan
- 26 Jan 2024

5 Days



21 Jul
- 25 Jul 2024

5 Days



28 Apr
- 2 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


13 Oct
- 17 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


HVAC (Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning) is a science and professionalism known by a good population in this world but knowing and justifying the reason for the proper decisions and selections are great additions to any organization, company, facility, building, production, operation, maintenance and other departments. This PetroKnowledge training course is planned to define the proper route for HVAC design, operation, and maintenance.

This course will cover all aspects of the HVACR Operation. Maintenance & logging system to find out the efficiency of the entire system. This will help the cut down of power consumption and operational cost of the HVACR system.

It will  discuss  the developing and improving the Troubleshooting Technique for the HVACR personals to maintain Effective & Efficient Equipment. and  improve the  Knowledge of  Refrigeration and  Air  Conditioning  Personals as mostly forgot or not apply in the field.  also It will explain the latest and old models HVACR equipment’s comparison and the difference in the Service Technique. finally we will train you in Electrical Field, Inspection and Troubleshooting techniques related to the mechanical portion of the HVACR Equipment.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Develop the maintenance tasks from the available manuals
  • Understand the HVAC design as materials and equipment
  • Determine the proper AC Units
  • Understand the operation modes
  • Analyze the alternatives and select the best one

This course is made for 

  • HVAC Engineers
  • HVAC Consultants
  • HVAC Contractors
  • End Users Engineers

Day One

HVAC Systems Design 

  • Sources of heat load
  • Using the equation of each heat load for analysis and possible reduction in the heat load.
  • Air treatment and human comfort
  • Evaluating and studying the outside and inside design conditions to meet the human comfort
  • Daily and monthly heat load profiles, how they affect the heat load
  • Selecting the type of AC system

Day Two

Piping System for Chilled Water Applications 

  • Velocity/friction loss VS initial and running cost. How to decide which way to go.
  • Closed or open type systems. (Advantages and dis-advantages of each type).
  • Pressure breakers and the need for high rise buildings
  • Expansion and contracting of the piping circuits and the selection of expansion joints, pressurized expansion & make up tanks
  • Refrigerants and their effect on AC systems selection and the environment.

Day Three

Heat Transfer and Selecting the Right AC System 

  • How cooling towers work for centralized water-cooled systems.
  • Thermal storage
  • Types of thermal storage systems.
  • Air cooled systems Load shifting (partial and full), daily and weekly, case study with calculations and comparison of C.O.P
  • Ventilation, infiltration, ex-filtration. How to minimize their heat loads
  • Factors used to select the right AC system

Day Four

HVAC Operation 

  • System components
  • System start-up preparation
  • System running conditions
  • Systems sequence of operation
  • System monitoring
  • System partially stopping
  • System shutdown

Day Five

HVAC Maintenance 

  • Scheduled preventive maintenance routines.
  • Daily log sheets and the monitored items and logged records.
  • Utilizing records history for improvement of systems reliability
  • Hand over package and its importance for proper maintenance.
  • Training of hands on staff for better understanding of the systems to reduce down time and operational cost
  • Operation and maintenance case studies


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