Human Centric Innovation Training





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8 Jan
- 12 Jan 2024

5 Days



7 Jul
- 11 Jul 2024

5 Days



15 Apr
- 19 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


30 Sep
- 4 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


The majority of managers have great scientific experience and multiple knowledge in only one or two professional fields, and at The same time, managers all over the world suffer that they have a gap in knowledge and skills in all other areas of business management, and therefore the need to create a training program works to provide them with all the modern knowledge And applied skills in most areas of business administration, such as strategic management, project management, marketing management, relations, financial management, the ability to manage change, preparing them with practical operational and administrative skills that will support the development of administrative professionalism, qualifying them and helping them reach senior leadership positions in companies..where this training course brings together between proven methods and new ideas that will develop leadership and management skills.

In this course, you will learn about and experience key human-centered design practices: empathize, reframe, ideate, prototype, and test. You will learn why human-centered design is a central component of Gender Analytics. You will develop skills in problem finding (and not just problem solving) by understanding users’, stakeholders’, and beneficiaries’ lived experiences. You will learn to co-create with diverse stakeholders, develop prototypes, and iterate to develop more innovative solutions.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Develop a personal action plan to implement it again at work.
  • Implementing a better strategy through people in work teams and different departments with new leadership skills.
  • Supporting the strategic goals of senior management and the ability to translate and implement them more efficiently.
  • The ability to understand and analyze the business environment and translate changes into competitive strategies for growth.
  • An understanding of how companies and organizations operate with an overview of business functions and key leadership competencies needed for success.
  • Develop strategic thinking, planning, and implementation skills at the level of departments or functions.
  • Make better business decisions and improve their contribution to the business.

This course is made for :

  • Anyone who is curious to understand human behavior better
  • Those interested in training and employment affairs
  • Everyone who finds themselves in need of this course and wants to develop their skills and experience.
  • HR Managers and Executive Directors
  • HR Partners, Team Leaders, and Specialists.

Day One 

  • Advanced management and leadership
  • Management (concept and importance)
  • Management assets
  • Administrative levels
  • The four management functions.
  • Management skills.
  • Driving types
  • Self-leadership and leadership of others.
  • Administrative leadership

Day Two

  • Management and strategic planning
  • Introduction to strategic management.
  • Strategic thinking.
  • Strategic planning and strategic objectives.
  • Mission and vision design
  • Operational planning of the organization.
  • SWOT analysis and crafting operational goals.
  • Design a table of means used in the implementation.
  • Design schedules and monthly targets.
  • Design a task schedule for means of goals.
  • Design cost schedules for objectives and the operational plan.

Day Three

  • financial management
  • Fundamentals of financial accounting.
  • Understanding financial statements.
  • financial lists analysis.
  • Final accounts and budgets.
  • Financial aspects from an administrative perspective.
  • Human Resource Management
  • Introduction to human resources.
  • Human resource planning.
  • Staff retention.
  • Compensation and benefits.
  • training and development.

Day Four

  • Fundamentals of project management
  • Project life cycle.
  • Stage (establishment & planning & implementation & monitoring & control & project termination).
  • public relations and marketing
  • Making the most of public relations in improving the image of the institution.
  • Determine the competitive advantage of the organization.
  • Marketing strategic planning.
  • Analysis of marketing opportunities old and new.

Day Five

  • The management of change
  • Change and its necessity.
  • Its concepts and characteristics.
  • Types of managers and employees with change.
  • Stages of effective change and its steps.
  • Resistance to change(causes and sources).
  • The origins of change management and resistance.
  • Institutional loyalty management.
  • Institutional communication and its types.
  • The concept of corporate loyalty.
  • Requirements and foundations.
  • Institutional loyalty challenges.
  • Institutional loyalty industry tools and skills.

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