How to Write Secure Code





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15 Jul
- 19 Jul 2024

5 Days



22 Dec
- 26 Dec 2024

5 Days



4 Feb
- 8 Feb 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


23 Sep
- 27 Sep 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Developers now need to master the techniques of how to write Secure Code, because we are in a situation where anyone can use availble tools to write a script that can effectivly disable a large organization’s systems because the developers have written poor code.

This course will see you details of the latest cyber attacks that have been used and the countermeasures used to stop and prevent these attacks.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Help Team Leaders to set the security base lines for the developers
  • Help Developers to master the techniques of writing Secure Code
  • Help Software Architects to understand the risks surrounding the applications
  • Help Software Testers to test the security of the application before publishing to the production environment
  • Help Web Masters to configure the Servers to avoid miss-configurations

This course is made for :

  • Software Tester
  • Security Professionals
  • Web Masters
  • Java Developers
  • Dot Net Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Mobile Developers
  • Software Architects

Day One

  • Introduction to Secure Coding
  • Web, Windows and Mobile Application bases

Day Two

  • Applications Attacks and Exploits, XSS, SQL injection
  • Servers Attacks and Exploits, DOS, BOF

Day Three

  • Validation And Verification
  • Security Controls and Countermeasures

Day Four

  • Mobile Application Secure Coding

Day Five

  • Security Standards and Testing
Training Subject
Training Location