Horizontal Well Performance and Optimization





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18 Feb
- 22 Feb 2024

5 Days



18 Aug
- 22 Aug 2024

5 Days



27 May
- 31 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


10 Nov
- 14 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Horizontal wells and multilateral wells are being used for the development and production of oil and gas fields around the globe.

The main reasons for drilling horizontal wells are: 1) their stabilized production rate is about 2 to 5 times more than that of vertical wells, 2) depending upon the location and type of drilling technique used, the cost of a horizontal well is 0.6 to 2 times the cost of conventional wells, and 3) the cumulative oil and/or gas produced by a horizontal well is about 2 to 6 times more than that of a conventional vertical well.

In short, horizontal wells generally provide better economics than conventional wells.

At the end of this course you will be able to:
  • To define the reservoir management and production optimization methodologies of Horizontal Wells.
  • To provide a great knowledge of Horizontal and Multi-lateral Wells: Completions and Stimulation Technology.
  • Case studies to understand more aspects.

This course is made for 

  • Unit Operator
  •  Environmental
  •  Process safety engineer
  •  Gasoline blender engineer
  •  Lab supervisor
  •  Supply chain engineer
  •  Distillates analyst
  •  Models engineer
  •  Chemical Operator
  •  Chemical Plant Operator
  •  Chemical Process Technician
  •  Control Room Supervisor
  •  Gas Plant Process Operator
  •  Gas Production Operator
  •  Gas Terminal Operations and Storage
  •  Gathering Pipeline engineer
  •  Oil Terminal / Storage engineer
  •  Pipeline Maintenance / Equipment / Compliance / Repair
  •  Pipeline Testing / Technician / Supervisor / Safety
  •  Plant Equipment Operator
  •  Plant Operations Technician
  • Plant Shutdown
  •  Process design
  • Plant Supervisor
  • Power Distribution
  • Power Plant Manager
  • Process Supervisor
  • Refinery Operations Technician / Manager
  • Terminal Operator / Manager
  • Utilities Operator

Day One


  • Case History
  • Applications / uses of horizontal wells
  • Benefits of drilling horizontal and deviated wells
  • Terminology
  • Planning & drilling considerations
  • Kick off methods
  • Classification of Well Structures for Multi-lateral Completion
  • Well Control Challenges
  • Uncertainties and risks; geological, drilling, and completion
  • Costs and risks
  • Applications in Middle East & Worldwide

Day Two

Horizontal Wells Performance

  •  Horizontal well drainage area (analytical/numerical methods)
  •  Factors influencing well productivity
  •  Reservoir characteristics for horizontal well applications
  •  Production Logging in Horizontal wells
  •  Case study from Middle East
  •  Wireline operations technologies in Hz and highly deviated wells
  •  Fluid coning prediction
  •  Formation damage and its effect on horizontal well performance
  •  Well Test Analysis (PTA) in Horizontal Wells
  •  Flow geometry/regimes for Hz and slanted wells
  •  Well test analysis techniques
  •  Well test and production analysis techniques, including MFHW’s

Day Three

Drilling aspects of Horizontal Wells

  •  Extended Reach Drilling – Latest Technologies and Best Practices
  •  Geo-steering
  •  Drilling Wellbore Stability
  •  Hole Condition Management & Monitoring (HCM)
  •  HCM Case Study
  •  Design solutions to avoid sticking; Wellpath Design, Casing and BHA Standoff and Implications of Wellbore Architecture
  •  Systems Approach to Hole Cleaning
  •  Horizontal Wells Completions
  •  Completion optimization to minimize water production
  •  Intelligent completion: downhole monitoring and control
  •  Well trajectory and completion optimization
  •  Advanced Horizontal wells completion
  •  Intelligent Completion Equipment
  •  Case History

Day Four

 Swellable Packer Technology

  •  Artificial lift combined with intelligent completion
  •  Hydraulic Line Wet Mate (HLWM) Connect System
  •  SPE Case Studies
  •  Types of ICDs
  •  ICD completion design optimization

Day Five

New ICD, ICV & AICV Technology

  •  Case Studies
  •  Intelligent well completion installation & Well Control Challenges
  •  Smart Completion Fully Electric System
  •  i-Field
  •  Stimulating Horizontal Wells
  •  Acidizing of horizontal wells
  •  Other stimulation methods (e,g, multi-stage fracturing).
  •  Problem Solving Lab



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