GIS, Mapping, And Spatial Analysis





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12 Feb
- 16 Feb 2024

5 Days



12 Aug
- 16 Aug 2024

5 Days



26 May
- 30 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


4 Nov
- 8 Nov 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Geographical information Systems have become an essential tool for planning, resource management and decision making. The ability of GIS to store, retrieve, analyze model and map spatial data has enhanced its application. Geographic information systems are used in infrastructure management, project beneficiary mapping, service facilities mapping, land use planning, market analysis, impact analysis and utilities management.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to learn:

  • Acquire, clean, and map GIS data
  • Work with both vector and raster data
  • Complete an entire GIS project on acquiring, processing, analyzing, and visualizing GIS data.
  • Work with attributes and shapefiles in map making
  • Geocode addresses to longitude and latitude coordinates
  • Perform joins, clipping, normalization, and many more core GIS operations
  • Work with vector and raster data
  • Perform spatial analysis to better understand your data
  • Create and share online maps using web GIS platforms

This course is made for 

  • This training is designed for participants who want to apply GIS in the work to share information and make decisions.
Day One 

Introduction to GIS concepts

  • Principles of GIS and  Remote Sensing
  • Components of GIS Systems
  • GIS Capabilities and Functions
  • Spatial Data Infrastructure

Introduction to GIS data

  • Vector geometries
  • Vector information
  • Raster basics
  • Data attribute table
  • Metadata
Day Two

Spatial Reference Systems

  • Map projections
  • Coordinate system
  • GPS system


  • Introduction to Mobile Data Collection using ODK
  • GIS Mapping ODK collected data
Day Three

GIS data acquisition

  • Extracting data from Satellite images
  • Remote sensing data
  • Extracting data from online GIS data sources
  • Obtaining Data from topographic sheets
  • Downloading Data from open street maps

Map making using QGIS software

  • Map Components
  • Working with shapefiles and attribute data in QGIS
Day Four

Loading GIS Data into QGIS

  • Vector and raster data layer
  • Working with attributes
  • Importing spreed sheets or CSVs
  • Adding a base map
  • Geocoding addresses

Key Options of Geospatial Data Representations

  • Data and layout view
  • Layer order and transparency
  • Symbology and label
  • Annotations
Day Five

Styling geographical features

  • Basic vector styling
  • Basic raster styling
  • Raster mosaicing and clipping

Point pattern analysis

  • Heatmap in QGIS
  • Graduated point map
  • Density maps
  • Offset point location

Join analysis

  • Spatial join
  • Table join
  • Spatial query

Web Mapping

  • Architecture of web mapping
  • Web mapping with Google fusion tables
Training Subject
Training Location