Excellence in Leadership and Management Training Course





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7 Jan
- 11 Jan 2024

5 Days



8 Sep
- 12 Sep 2024

5 Days



24 Jun
- 28 Jun 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


8 Dec
- 12 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual online


This Achieving Leadership Excellence training course focuses on the leader’s role in developing and motivating excellent teams. Rather than trying to define one ‘right’ way to lead, it will introduce a range of complementary approaches that delegates will have the opportunity to practice, combine and adapt to suit their personal preferences and organizational needs.

By exploring the leadership role from a number of different perspectives, this Achieving Leadership Excellence training course allows delegates to experiment with innovative ways to empower and enthuse their team and influence positively their organizational climate and culture. The benefits to the organization will be leaders better able to focus on organizational goals and better equipped to develop their team towards sustainable performance improvement.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Develop appropriate management and leadership skills
  • Enhance leadership through a better understanding of leadership styles
  • Share their thinking, communicate their vision, purpose & direction
  • Add passion to motivate people
  • Encourage employees to think outside the box of conformity
  • Cultivate and manage creativity
  • Gain a greater awareness of yourself and your full leadership potential
  • Sharpen their leadership styles for the benefit of your team and department
  • Develop adaptability in dealing with different people
  • Enhance decision-making skills in employees
  • Apply effective decision-making skills in solving problems
  • Learn the essentials of creative and inspiring leadership
  • Build group cohesion and harmony
  • Learn how to cultivate key leadership styles for different situations and circumstances
  • Enhance personal growth and confidence in your leadership and management capabilities

This course is made for:

  • Management and leadership skills
  • Self-confidence
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Change management
  • Flexibility in various leadership situations
  • Motivation skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Communication skills


Successful Leadership Styles

  • Inspirational leadership
  • Power of influence
  • Understanding and developing others
  • Proactive leadership
  • Delegation as a leadership style
  • Motivational leadership

Driving Radical Innovation

  • Lateral thinking
  • Systemic innovation
  • Leveraging the power of diversity
  • Cultivating creativity
  • Managing change creatively
  • Implementing innovation


Entrepreneurial Leadership

  • Optimizing your leadership strengths
  • Becoming an environmental change agent
  • Developing personal empowerment
  • Using transformational vocabulary
  • Maximizing essential communication principles
  • Understanding the 3 major levels of communication

Accountable Communication

    • What is accountability
    • Improving personal credibility
    • Leading with integrity
    • Sharpen your communication skills
    • Listening with the heart
    • Inspiring and guiding the team


Developing Emotionally Intelligent Organizations

  • Building bonds
  • Cooperation & team building
  • Forging emotionally intelligent teams
  • Resolving conflicts using emotional intelligence
  • Organizational awareness
  • Leading emotionally intelligent organizations

Developing Emotionally Intelligent Organizations

    • How Perception influences our leadership style
    • Understanding our personality
    • Personality and leadership style
    • Improving our strengths & managing our weaknesses
    • Maximizing our interpersonal relationships with others
    • Removing emotional and mental blind spots


Developing Decision-Making Skills

  • Using your left brain & right brain to make decisions
  • Split-brain theory for developing effective problem-solving skills
  • Developing openness to new ideas in making decisions
  • Promoting idea mobility in teams
  • Understanding the creative solving process in individuals and teams
  • IDEAL problem-solving approach

Applying Effective Decision-Making Skills in the Workplace

  • Encouraging creative problem-solving for continuous improvement
  • Removing blocks to creative problem solving
  • Convergent versus Divergent Thinking
  • Divergent Thinking Skills for solving problems
  • Using SCAMPER techniques to approach problem-solving
  • Applying SCAMPER techniques to make effective decisions


Overcoming Mental Blocks to Decision Making

  • Challenging self-imposed assumptions
  • Metaphorical thinking
  • Increasing new ideas
  • Getting people behind your ideas
  • Evaluating new ideas
  • Creative leadership

Effective Leadership to Develop Dynamic Problem-Solving in the Team

  • Ensuring alignment with the corporate mission
  • Encouraging self-initiated activity
  • Endorsing Unofficial activity
  • Enhancing Serendipity
  • Importance of appreciating diverse stimuli
  • Practicing within-company communication for problem-solving
  • Developing a personal action plan

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