Excellence Foundation





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21 Jan
- 25 Jan 2024

5 Days



21 Jul
- 25 Jul 2024

5 Days



20 Oct
- 24 Oct 2024

5 Days



Many improvement initiatives fail due to fragmented approaches to aligning and implementing practitioner activities. Excellence supports the drive to achieve sustainable profitability and growth within your organization by adopting a comprehensive approach to improvement.

This course will equip you with outstanding behavioral knowledge, skills and competencies and will contribute significantly to your organization’s bottom line, reducing variance, defects, cycle times, lead times, waste and costs within your operations.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Prioritize improvement activities and link them to achieving the organization’s strategic goals.
  • Analyze the Voice of the Customer to align changes with customer requirements.
  • Influencing organizational culture and employee behavior to support operational excellence.
  • Engage stakeholders in collectively eliminating waste.
  • Choosing appropriate methods and tools within the improvement framework.
  • Improving the entire “value stream”.

This course is made for:

  • Leaders,
  • Teachers,
  • Teacher Trainees,
  • Learning Support Workers

Day One:

  • Operating Expenditure Framework
    DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control)
  • Improvement Method
  • Voice of the customer
  • Customer and supplier partnerships
  • Deploy the strategy
  • Develop project pipelines and set priorities

Day Two:

  • Process Mapping
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Reliability
  • Effectiveness (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
  • Zero Targets

Day Three:

  • Problem Statements
  • Project Charters
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Behavioral Analysis
  • Organization Culture Analysis

Day Four:

  • Lean Principles
  • 7 Wastes
  • Mistake Proofing
  • Problem Solving
  • Total Productive Maintenance
  • Set-up Reduction / SMED
  • 5S
  • Line of Sight

Day Five:

  • Control and Monitoring Plans
  • Change Management Framework
  • Behavioral Plan
Training Subject
Training Location