Engineering Materials For Buildings And Bridges





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15 Jan
- 19 Jan 2024

5 Days



14 Jul
- 18 Jul 2024

5 Days



22 Apr
- 26 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


7 Oct
- 11 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


The goal of this course is to provide participants with an advanced understanding of the properties of traditional and emerging materials used in buildings and bridges. Upon completion of the course.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Recognize and understand the engineering properties of materials used in the construction of bridges and buildings
  • Select the appropriate material to achieve particular design goals
  • Understand the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of such materials
  • Make informed design decisions to select materials for enhancing the structural performance, serviceability and durability of buildings and bridges
  • Use such materials in optimal combination in hot and humid environments

This course is made for 

  • Planning Engineer
  •  Reservoir Engineer
  •  Structural Engineer
  •  Welding Engineer
  •  Chief Engineer
  •  Civil Engineer
  •  Commissioning Engineer
  •  Construction Engineer
  •  Contract Engineer
  •  Drilling Engineer
  •  Fire Protection Engineer
  •  Piping Engineer
  •  Piping Stress Engineer
Day One 
  • High-performance concrete
  • Self-consolidating concrete
  • Fibre-reinforced concrete
Day Two
  • Lightweight concrete
  • Polymer modified concrete
  • Sprayed concrete (shotcrete)
Day Three
  • Epoxy-coated steel reinforcement
  • Galvanized steel reinforcement
  • Emerging corrosion resistant steel reinforcement
  • Fibre-plastic reinforcement (FRP)
  • Hybrid reinforcement new technology
Day Four
  • Specifications and standards for engineering materials
  • Laboratory and field testing
  • Smart materials and smart structures
  • Novel materials and emerging applications
Day Five
  • Examples and case studies
Training Subject
Training Location