Emotional Intelligence For Sales Professionals





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8 Jan
- 12 Jan 2024

5 Days



8 Jul
- 12 Jul 2024

5 Days



13 Oct
- 17 Oct 2024

5 Days



15 Apr
- 19 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


30 Sep
- 4 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


22 Dec
- 26 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Revolutionising your Social Skills involves becoming aware of how you relate with others, the messages you send, the words you speak, your general attitude, and how your biases impact your ability to connect with people. Presenting yourself and communicating your ideas are essential skills that will help you succeed in all areas of life. This will lead to a more fulfilling existence, a sense of accomplishment and a healthier mindset.

This course will cover the  topics while focusing on those that are most critical to personal and business success is sales. The emphasis of the training will be on powerful methods and proven techniques for improving Emotional Intelligence of Sales Professionals. The participants will leave the online training course with new ideas and skills they can implement immediately within their work environment.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  1. Develop better empathy for sales success
  2. How to Connect Authentically with People
  3. Identify and manage their own emotion
  4. A Framework for Increasing Self-Awareness
  5. Personality Evolution and Social Adaptability
  6. Unconditional acceptance and Non-Judgement
  7. The Destructive Nature of Social Comparison
  8. Communication Skills and Relationship Principles
  9. A Model for Understanding Human Motivation
  10. Increase awareness of emotions of others
  11. Understand the concept of emotional intelligence and its impact on sale
  12. Improve their conversational techniques
  13. Identify different personality types
  14. Understand the strategy of building referrals
  15. Improve emotional intelligence in key aspects of sales process

This course is made for:

  • Anyone interested in developing themselves either professionally or personally.
  • This course is for those who want to enhance their people skills and influence others.
  • The students in this course should be motivated to learn more about themselves.
  • The course is open to both men and women, regardless of age, status or ethnicity.
  • Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting.
  • The course can be taken standalone or in conjunction with another Achology training.


  • Course Support and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • How to Benefit Most From Any Learning
  • The Foundation of All Attitudes
  • The Three Personal Culture Zones
  • Thinking in Outputs and Outcomes
  • The Self-Awareness ‘Full Cycle’ Model


  • The Three Types of Human Observation
  • The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living
  • The Five Different Levels of Human Experience
  • Theoretically Growing in Self-Awareness
  • The Socio-Cultural Learning Model
  • The Spectrum of Belief Possibility Spaces
  • Don’t Believe Everything That You Think!


  • Understanding The Emotional Experience
  • Twelve Patterns of Unintelligent Thinking
  • Eight Scientific Strategies for Critical Thinking
  • Putting Your Thoughts on Trial
  • Getting Caught in the Comparison Trap
  • The Disempowered & Empowered Relationship Dynamics
  • The True Fluidity of Personality


  • A Guide to Understanding Values
  • How to Become Culturally Competent
  • The Allegory of Plato’s Cave
  • Directive & Non-Directive Communication Styles
  • Six Highly Undermining Communication Styles
  • Seven Types of Disconnected Relationship
  • Dependency, Cp-Dependency & Freestanding Relationships


  • The Four Stages of Human Misinterpretation
  • Relationships Self Examination Exercise
  • Becoming Intentional In Your Speech
  • Essential Rapport Building Skills
  • Demonstrating Immediacy
  • Building Conflict-Resistant Relationships
  • Closing Thoughts & Recommended Reads
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