Electrical Utility Communications, Applications And Smart Grid Technologies





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8 Jan
- 12 Jan 2024

5 Days



9 Sep
- 13 Sep 2024

5 Days



30 Jun
- 4 Jul 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


9 Dec
- 13 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Smart Grids are rapidly transforming the Energy and Utility industry. Smart grid technology has gained significant momentum in a short span of time due to the tremendous potential it holds. It is revolutionizing the way electricity is being generated, distributed, and consumed.

    • By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:
    • Understand what smart grid is and its benefits
    • Advance your knowledge about smart grid concepts and technologies
    • Learn about smart grid technology, business and operations of energy generation
    • Learn about smart grid architecture and implementation
    • Understand how advanced technologies should be integrated to enable a modern grid
    • Understand how renewables can be integrated more seamlessly using smart grid technologies
    • Learn about smart grid of the future

This course is made for 

  • Design Engineer
  • Electrical Controls Engineer
  • Electrical Design Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Electrical Project Engineer
  • Electronics-research engineer
  • Instrumentation and Electrical (I&E) Reliability Engineer
  • Power Systems Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • Test Engineer

Day One:

Introduction to Smart Grid

    • Energy Technology Perspectives
    • Smart Grid: The Big Picture
    • What are Smart Grids?
    • Why do we need them?
    • What are some of the benefits of your region?
    • When will they be deployed?
    • Smart Grids in Distribution Networks
    • Energy (and electricity) system drivers
    • Environment
    • Regulation of monopolies
    • Innovation and competitiveness
    • Low prices and efficiency
    • Primary energy sources
    • Reliability and quality
    • Capacity
    • Electricity Networks
    • Energy efficiency is the hidden fuel that increases energy
    • security and mitigates climate change.
    • Centralized fuel production, power and storage
    • A smart, sustainable energy system
    • A sustainable energy system is a smarter,
    • more unified and integrated energy system
    • Centralized fuel production, power and storage
    • Renewable energy resources

Day Two

Electric Grid Modernization (Smart Grid)

  • Modern utility electricity delivery systems
  • Computer-based remote control and automation
  • Two-way communication technology
  • Computer processing
  • Electricity networks
  • Power plants
  • Wind farms
  • Devices utilities use to deliver electricity
  • Automated and computerized

Smart Grid Technology Components

    • Key Drivers
    • Conceptual Model and Reference Architecture Principles
    • Motivation for Conceptual Model and Reference Architecture
    • Requirements for the M/490 Reference Architecture
    • Power Generation
    • Power Transmission
    • Power Distribution
    • Grid Automation
    • Renewable Integration
    • Energy Storage Solutions
    • Smart Home and Building

Day Three

Implementation, Standards, and Interoperability

    • Generation
    • Transmission
    • Distribution automation
    • Substation automation
    • Customer
    • The connection between generation, transmission, distribution automation, substation automation, and customer
    • Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and the Smart Grid
    • Automated Demand-Response (ADR)
    • Smart Grid Cyber Security
    • Microgrids
    • Wide Area situational awareness (WASA)
    • Wireless and Wireline Communications
    • Digital Sense & Control of the grid
    • Advanced Technologies and their integration
    • Making a business case for advanced technologies,
    • Advanced technologies for Distribution Automation
    • Utility time cycles of adoption
    • Grid architectures,
    • Simulation and validation,
    • Cloud computing and mobile apps in smart grids and consumers interfaces,
    • Home Area Networks (HAN)
    • Advanced Metering Infrastructure,
    • Demand Response
    • Demand Management
    • Regulation and pricing
    • Visualization
    • Electric Vehicle Integration into the Grid
    • Battery and Storage Integration and Aggregation

Day Four

Smart Grid Deployment

    • Smart Grid Energy Layer Use Case
    • Advanced Distribution Automation WAMS (Wide Area Measurement System)
    • Issues: Legal Contracts, Legal Regulations, Constraints, and others
    • DER control (Distributed Energy Resources)
    • People, Systems, Applications, Databases, the Power System, and Other Stakeholders
    • DR control (Demand Response) for large-scale application
    • DS supervision (Distribution System)
    • DER, DR/Microgrid control
    • PV Generation (Photo Voltaic)
    • Control and Connectivity Layer Use Cases
    • Service Layer Use Cases
    • Home-DR applications (Demand Response) for consumer appliances
    • Home Energy Management (HEM)
    • Submetering
    • Smart Grid/Metering Service Layer
    • Applicability of MM architecture to Smart Grids

Day Five

Smart Grid Operation

    • Communications and Data of the Smart Grid
    • The Customer Side of the Smart Grid
    • The Utility Side of the Smart Grid
    • Controlling, Operating, and Monitoring the Smart Grid
    • Maintenance Needs of the Smart Grid
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