Electrical Equipment Troubleshooting Matrix Investigation, Analysis & Diagnosis





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22 Jan
- 26 Jan 2024

5 Days



22 Jul
- 26 Jul 2024

5 Days



5 May
- 9 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


14 Oct
- 18 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Maximum efficiency, reliability and longevity of electrical equipment such as the various types of motors, variable-speed drives, transformers, generators, rectifiers, inverters, uninterruptible power systems, circuit breakers, fuses, and power station electrical and protective systems are of great concern to many industries. These objectives can only be achieved by understanding the characteristics, selection criteria, common problems and repair techniques, preventive and predictive maintenance. This Electrica …

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Comprehend the hazards when working with electrical power systems.
  • Perform electrical switching operations safely on all switchgears and associated equipment in preparation for maintenance tasks.
  • Understand the correct methodology and safe operation when working on electrical equipment, switchgear on electrical distribution systems and all of the associated electrical plant and to be aware of all the associated hazards.
  • Understand diagnostic testing and inspection, advanced fault detection techniques, critical components, and common failure modes.
  • Study selection criteria, commissioning requirements, predictive and preventive maintenance, reliability, testing and cost.
  • Discover the maintenance required to minimize their operating cost and maximize their efficiency, reliability and longevity.

This course is made for 

  • The Electrical Equipment Troubleshooting & Maintenance training course is targeted at both developing engineers & experienced electrical personnel working within commercial and heavy industrial environments within oil and gas processing plants. The training course provides personnel with the knowledge and competence to perform quality maintenance, installation, testing and inspection of generic electrical plant & equipment.

Day One

  • Basic principles in using a drawing and meter in troubleshooting circuits
  • Checks for circuit continuity with disconnected supply
  • Checks for circuit continuity with live supply
  • Tests and methods

Day Two

  • Testing devices
  • Testing and Commissioning Methods
  • Testing and Commissioning Procedures.
  • Maintenance of Particular Types of Electrical Equipment

Day Three

  • How to use Equifactor to troubleshoot equipment failures,
  • Maintenance and operational best practices
  • Holistic, proactive system reliability techniques to eliminate the reasons equipment fails

Day Four

  • Introduction
  • Equifactor Troubleshooting Tables
  • Collecting Information
  • Troubleshooting Plans
  • Change Analysis
  • Failure Modes and Failure Agents
  • Process Troubleshooting and Developing Tables
  • Proactive Improvement

Day Five

  • General Cause Analysis
  • Statistical troubleshooting
  • Example: Troubleshooting a Seawater Pump
  • Final project
  • Root Cause Analysis and Human Performance Issues with TapRoot
Training Subject
Training Location