Effective Procurement & Warehouse Management Training





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14 Jan
- 18 Jan 2024

5 Days



14 Jul
- 18 Jul 2024

5 Days



21 Apr
- 25 Apr 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


6 Oct
- 10 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


When the expenditures for materials purchase composed the majority of company’s expenses, procurement of materials becomes strategic issue. Company’s profit will very much dependent on the effectiveness and efficiency of managing the procurement of materials. Material costs do not consist of the amount of money spent to buy the materials alone, but also include all the costs incurred in the process of purchasing and their inventory in the warehouse.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Prepare long-, medium- and short-term procurement strategic & operational plans
  • Develop procurement organization capable of implementing the procurement strategy
  • Lead and manage the implementation of the procurement strategies and plans
  • Identify and reduce procurement risk through development of a plan of action
  • Enable improved performance from your existing suppliers through evaluation and performance measurement
  • Understand and strengthen your supply chain
  • Award contracts on the basis of measured performance / criteria
  • Provide a working understanding of the Negotiation process

This course is made for

  • Procurement Managers / Senior Officers
  • Purchasing Managers / Senior Officers
  • Contract Administration Managers/Officers
  • Project Managers / Engineers / Officers
  • Those who are groomed for above positions
  • Business excellence officers
Day One

The Role of the Warehouse

  • Why we need a warehouse
  • What functions they cover
  • How do they fit into the supply chain
  • The balance between sorting and storing
  • The concept of strategic & operational procurement management
  • How to craft procurement strategies, plans and programs
  • How to develop the proper procurement organization, policies, systems and procedures
Day Two
Rationale and Principles of Procurement Management
  • Definition and understanding Procurement and purchasing
  • Critical Supply Strategies – the unnecessary need for RFQs
  • Definition of Category Management to facilitate Procurement
  • Models used in Category Grouping Strategy
  • Developing Spend Profiles and the ABC Analysis
  • Skill sets For Purchasing of the future
Day Three

Developing the Purchasing Strategy

  • Developing Purchase Agreements
  • Importance of being involved in Creating the Specification
  • Supplier Selection Methodology
  • Criteria for Pre-qualifying Suppliers
  • Integrating the Supplier Selection Process
Day Four

Selecting the Right Supplier & Evaluating Performance

  • Conditioning the Supplier to Meet Your Requirement
  • The Total Cost Approach to Purchasing
  • Analysing Cost
  • Analysing Value
  • Life Cycle Costing
Day Five

Stock Control and Checking

  • Inventory receipts
  • Identifying inventory
  • Surplus and obsolescent stock
  • Stock control and records
  • Stock checking programs
  • Reviewing current procedures and policies
Training Subject
Training Location