Economic Dispatch &Amp; Grid Stability Constraints In Power System





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21 Jan
- 25 Jan 2024

5 Days



23 Sep
- 27 Sep 2024

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14 Jul
- 18 Jul 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


22 Dec
- 26 Dec 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


This training course gives you sufficient knowledge about generator dynamics, and concept of stability in power system operation. Also, you will learn how electricity is generated in generators from an AC current supply and what intermediate steps are needed to deliver the generated power to the customers with high reliability.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Apply and gain an in-depth knowledge on economic dispatch of power plants
  • Identify the characteristics of power generation units and introduce them to the economic dispatch of thermal units and the methods of solution
  • Discuss the transmission system effects, unit commitment and the generation with limited energy supply
  • Implement the production cost models and be able to adapt the control of generation
  • Use new techniques for solving old problems and new problem areas that are arising from changes in the system development patterns, regulatory structures, and economics
  • Solve complicated problems, involving both economic analysis and network analysis and illustrate the solving techniques with relatively simple problems

This course is made for 

  • Power system analysts and engineers, including generation and transmission planners, protection engineers
  • Power developers and marketers
  • Transmission Planning Engineer
  • Plant Operations Engineer (POE)
  • Regulatory staff, economic and management consultants

Day One

  • Characteristics of Steam Units
  • Variations in Steam Unit Characteristics
  • Cogeneration Plants
  • Typical Generation Data
  • The Power Flow Problem and Its Solution
  • Transmission Losses

Day Two

  • The Economic Dispatch Problem
  • Thermal System Dispatching with Network Losses Considered
  • The Lambda-Iteration and Newton’s Methods
  • Gradient Methods of Economic Dispatch
  • Economic Dispatch with Piecewise Linear Cost Functions and by using Dynamic Program
  • Economic Dispatch Versus Unit Commitment

Day Three

  • Constraints in Unit Commitment
  • Unit Commitment Solution Methods
  • Composite Generation Production Cost Function
  • Solution by Gradient Search Techniques
  • Hard Limits and Slack Variables
  • Fuel Scheduling by Linear Programming

Day Four

  • Uses and Types of Production Cost Programs
  • Probability Methods and Uses in Generation Planning Problems
  • Generator, Load, Prime-Mover, Governor and Tie-Line Models
  • Economy Interchange between Interconnected Utilities
  • Transmission Effects and Issues
  • Power System Security

Day Five

  • Introduction to Advanced Topics in Estimation
  • Application of Power Systems Estimation
  • Solution of the Optimal Power Flow
  • Linear Sensitivity Analysis
  • Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow
  • Impacts of Free–Market Pricing on Economic Dispatch Decisions
Training Subject
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