Digital HR





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22 Jan
- 26 Jan 2024

5 Days



22 Jul
- 26 Jul 2024

5 Days



5 May
- 9 May 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


14 Oct
- 18 Oct 2024

5 Days

Virtual Online


Digital transformation is greatly affecting the HR industry, driven by advances in data collection and analysis and in various technologies. This course covers all aspects of digital transformation.

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:

  • Use data analytics, including data sources and collection methods, as well as technology
  • Identify and solve business challenges
  • Explore developments and trends in digital human resource management
  • Explore ethical considerations for adopting a digital strategy
  • Enhance skills in adopting, changing and managing risks for human resource activities
  • Identify and use emerging tools in digital transformation

This course is made for 

  • Any one interested in HR career

Day One 

Digital human resource management (HRM)

  • The development of the human resource function
  • Ethical debates in digital transformation

Problems of HRM

  • How to identify HR challenges using a variety of evidence-based problem-solving approaches

Day Two 

Data sources, Types, and Collection

  • Source the relevant types of people data in your organization
  • Collect data legally and ethically

Data analytics for human resources

  • Approaches to understanding people data through data visualization
  • Statistical analytics techniques

Day Three

Emerging Tools for Digital HR Management (Artificial Intelligence and Human Resources)

  • Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation in human resources
  • Innovative solutions to human resource challenges

Day Four

Data-driven HR Decision Making

  • Data-driven decision-making practices

Implementing Digital HRM

  • Factors of digital HRM
  • Organizational adoption


Day Five 

Implementing Digital HRM

  • Stakeholder confidence
  • Risk

Embed Digital Transformation

  • HR professionals adaptation
Training Subject
Training Location